Luke 4 th grade
Born: Nov. 19,1831 Cuyahoga County, Ohio Died: Sept. 19,1881 shot by Charles J. Guiteau Elected: March 4, years old Political Party: Republican
Parents: Abram and Eliza Garfield 3 siblings: Thomas, Mehitabel, Mary parents were farmers father died when 2 educated 1 year Geauga academy next year taught school: Chargin Falls, Ohio
Wife: Lucrettia Rudolph 7 children 2 died in childhood 0 pets Civil war officer
Ran against general Winfield Scott Hancock Garfield won 214 to 155 Vice president : Chester Arthur
Last president born in a log cabin Garfield could write good in a different language with each hand both at the same time Second- shortest term in U.S. president history
World book students James A. Garfield 20 th President of the United States by: Megan M. Gunderson