‘The right support, in the right way, at the right time’ Responding to data analytics in order to better support our clients into sustainable work Luke Jeavons Wed 18 th September 2013
2 Content What is data analytics and why do we use it? Keeping people in work by better understanding the: Demand side Supply side Operational Conclusions
3 Where does sustainability come from? Whilst we have measures in place to ensure that in work support for clients is bespoke: Advisor support Multi channel access to advice and guidance Out of hours call centre support In order for a new job to be sustainable, it has to be the right fit for both the client and the employer. Keeping people in work from the Work Programme is as much about getting it right first time, as it is about appropriate follow up support.
4 Ingeus: Year Two of the Work Programme 325,000
5 Using Data analytics to drive operational performance Client Profiles: Health Housing Childcare Demographics Experience Outcomes: In/Out of work On/Off programme Sustainability Progression Interventions: Workshops attended Applications made Spend per client Questionnaires Clinical measures Streamed provision
....what are we learning? 1 in 5 JSA clients declare a health concern as a barrier to finding employment. However our ESA clients are still presenting with more significant levels of anxiety, depression and somatic symptoms compared to JSA clients declaring a health concern. Employee attitude matters more to our employers than qualifications gained by clients The Work Programme’s largest age profile is the over 40’s – it is also statistically harder to achieve Job Outcomes for older clients. It is harder to achieve Job Outcomes for those who state their ethnicity is ‘White’ compared with those who state it being ‘Black’; Asian; or ‘Mixed’. Length of unemployment has a greater impact on returning to work than we initially believed. Employability support that includes a Health & Wellbeing service can have a measurably positive impact on our clients’ health, which in term has a positive impact on their chances of securing and sustaining work.
Understanding demand – what do employers want? We asked 404 employers with whom Ingeus had recently placed a long term unemployed client into work. The employers ranged across 33 different industrial classifications (using a 2 digit SIC) and 30 different occupational classifications (using a 2 digit SOC). The employers ranged from local micro businesses (employing between 1-9) to large multi-nationals employing thousands of workers 85% employers prefer good attitude over good qualifications
Understanding the supply side – what do our clients want? We interviewed over 700 clients across Scotland about their thoughts on what knowledge they felt they lacked in finding employment and what more they thought we could do to help. Which parts of our service have assisted you the most in finding work? What can we do more of to support your search for employment?
Matching supply & demand Group sessions based around principles that employers are telling us matter to them...and in a training format that clients are asking for... Assertiveness & Confidence Building Ready Steady Work! Excellence in..... “Thanks to Ingeus and The Co-operative, I have a purpose in life again. My daughters can’t believe the transformation in me, I am much more happy and confident and have learnt so much about the job, and myself.” – Denis, Prestonpans “We are constantly looking for people with the right attitude and transferrable skills. Ingeus provides a really valuable service in helping us fill our vacancies with motivated candidates who really want to work.” - Louise Clarke. Churchill Contract Services
JSA clients :The internet, and job outcomes Internet and use is a key indicator of a clients likelihood of starting employment The age of a Work Programme JSA client has an impact on their use of Internet and Regardless of age the likelihood of starting work is increased significantly if the client regularly uses the Internet and Times more likely to have started work than a client not regularly using the Internet and % not regularly using the Internet and Age Group BUT… Age Group
11 Improving opportunity for all clients through IT skills Our data analytics confirms what our advisors and clients are telling us. But it goes even further..... We now know that basic IT skills is a more significant predictor of securing and sustaining employment for our clients than basic Maths and English. Operational response: IngeusWorks ‘Basic IT Skills’ courses Increased supported job search sessions Learn Direct Course Access ‘Effective Job Searching’ workshops
Understanding the supply side....the relationship between health and work Although these initial results have not been conducted with a control, the sample size is significant enough for us to draw the initial conclusion that: ‘clients accessing this support are demonstrating a reduction in depression, anxiety and somatic symptoms’. It is well recognised that suitable work is a health outcome, but we are finding that a holistic approach to searching for work can make you more healthy too! We recently asked 356 Work Programme clients to complete three clinically standardised questionnaires prior to accessing Ingeus Health & Wellbeing services and again upon exiting services.
13 Conclusions Sustaining in work is mostly about getting the ‘fit’ right in the first place. Data is just one tool.... we are a people business Analytics on this scale are a product of the Work Programme – scale and scope allow us to understand more than ever before Our data analytics is giving us an evidence based capacity to evolve the black box. Health & Wellbeing, IT Literacy, and targeted pre-employment training are just three areas where our data analytics is showing us we can have a significant impact in terms of maximising the opportunities that our clients face.