Choose one of the following: “Singing” Telegram announcing the Birth of Jesus Must use scripture references from Mt 1:18-2:12 or Luke 2: Story (one page max) of the Journey to see the new Born King, Jesus. Must use scripture references from Mt 1:18-2:12 or Luke 2: You may work in a group (2 max) or solo. This is due tomorrow and will be presented in class. Grading: Reference to scripture (3pts) Creativity/Effort (3pts) 1- 2 minutes max. (1pt) Explain why or what inspired you to write what you did. (1pt)
I.Opens with Genealogy of Jesus II.Angel Appeared to Joseph – Infant Child in Mary's womb is given the name Jesus. III.Visit of the Magi IV.The Flight to Egypt V.Massacre of the Infants VI.Return from Egypt/Return to Nazareth VII.Preaching of John the Baptist I.Opens with Genealogy of Jesus II.Angel Appeared to Joseph – Infant Child in Mary's womb is given the name Jesus. III.Visit of the Magi IV.The Flight to Egypt V.Massacre of the Infants VI.Return from Egypt/Return to Nazareth VII.Preaching of John the Baptist Matthew Mark LukeJohn I. Opens with Preaching of John the Baptist I.Opens with Prologue II.Announcement of the Birth of John III.Announcement of Birth of Jesus to Mary IV.The Visitation: Canticle of Mary V.Birth of John: Canticle of Zachariah VI.Birth of Jesus VII.Visit of the Shepherds VIII. Circumcision and Naming of Jesus IX.Return to Nazareth X.The Presentation of the Temple XI.The Boy Jesus in the Temple XII. Preaching of John the Baptist I.Opens with Prologue II.Announcement of the Birth of John III.Announcement of Birth of Jesus to Mary IV.The Visitation: Canticle of Mary V.Birth of John: Canticle of Zachariah VI.Birth of Jesus VII.Visit of the Shepherds VIII. Circumcision and Naming of Jesus IX.Return to Nazareth X.The Presentation of the Temple XI.The Boy Jesus in the Temple XII. Preaching of John the Baptist Opening of the Synopsis's Gospel’s I.Opens with Prologue II.The witness of John III.The first disciples IV.The wedding at Cana I.Opens with Prologue II.The witness of John III.The first disciples IV.The wedding at Cana
Matthew …the Distinctively Jewish Gospel Main Ideas in this Gospel Jesus is the long-desired Messiah who fulfills the Old Testament prophecies The Kingdom of God is the “People of God”, the fulfillment of Israel The life and teachings of Christ is the new Law, the fulfillment of the Torah Look up Matthew 5:17:________________________ Genealogy What is significant about the genealogy? (Mt1:1-17) Christ is the perfection of all generations, as shown by the number signifying “perfect perfection” (Mt 1:17)_____________ Son of Abraham: Continuity of God’s providential plan, Father of the Nations Son of David – Royal Messiah
Matthew …the Distinctively Jewish Gospel The Infancy Narratives-Things to Remember Virgin Birth: Jesus is conceived in Mary’s womb by the Holy Spirit, not by Joseph How does the language that describes Joseph and Mary’s relationship different than all other couples? (Mt 1:16) Who is the father of Jesus? (Mt 1:18) Joseph had no relations with Mary “until” (Mt 1:25) NOTE: the Greek “until” expresses what has occurred up to a certain point and leaves the future aside Emphasize that Joseph was not responsible for the conception of Jesus.
Matthew …the Distinctively Jewish Gospel The Infancy Narratives-Things to Remember The Epiphany: The King is born, visited by the Magi Who did the three Wiseman encounter on their journey to visit the infant Jesus? (Mt2:1-6) _______________________________ Where was Jesus born?________________________________ Read Is 60:3-6________________________________________ What is the significance of the gifts from the Magi? _____________________________________________ What is significance of celebrating the Epiphany of the Lord on Jan 6? _______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________
Matthew …the Distinctively Jewish Gospel The Infancy Narratives-Things to Remember The Holy Innocent: First Martyrs Why did Herod the Great call for the Massacre? (Mt 2:16) _____________________________________________________ What is the relationship between Moses and Jesus that Matthew is trying to show in Mt 2:16-18 __________________________________________________ Feast of the Holy Innocent: December 28 “ The Holy Innocents are few, in comparison to the genocide and abortion of our day. But even if there had been only one, we recognize the greatest treasure God put on the earth—a human person, destined for eternity and graced by Jesus’ death and resurrection.” ( "Lord, you give us life even before we understand“ (Prayer Over the Gifts, Feast of the Holy Innocents).