Revelation- Introduction APOKALUPSIS In the Fullness of Time - Christ Came Gal. 4:4-5 o Roman roads o Pax Romana o Greek language and culture o Deity would visit humanity Genesis 3:15; Mark 1:15 o Expectancy: His Coming was foretold Daniel 9:25- 26; Luke 2:25-32 o No force could put him on the cross Luke 4:28-30; John 8:59, 10:39 o No force could keep him off the cross John 10:18; Matt. 26:52-53
Jesus is coming AGAIN - to STAY! o Right on schedule Acts 1:6-7 o In the right place o The right way o Accomplishing the right things
Suffering, death, exaltation and glory Why is Jesus coming again? Nature is expecting Him, the curse has not been lifted Romans 8:22; Gen. 3:17-18; Isa. 11:35 True believers are expecting Him Heb. 9:28 Justice demands it Matt 24:28; Job 39:27-30; Rev. 19:17-18 Man’s fullest redemption is not yet consummated 1 Cor. 15 God’s Holiness has not been vindicated Satan yet stands undefeated Righteousness is not yet established The Father’s glory needs to be revealed God has said HE will! 1 Peter 1:11; Acts 1:11; Numbers 23:19
Suffering, death, exaltation and glory For ancient Jews - Two Messiah’s ben Joseph ben David Truth: one Messiah coming twice - twice only First, on a colt of an ass, next, on a white stallion Matt. 21:5-7; Rev. 19:11 Judged at first, next as Judge John 9:39; 2 Tim. 4:8; Acts 10:42 Lamb first, next as Lion Isa. 53:7; Joel 3:16 Humility first, next in fullest Glory Phil. 2:5-8; Matt. 25:31 What shall be the sign of thy coming and of the end of the age? Matt. 24:3