Luke 15: Luke 15: فرجع الى نفسه وقال كم من اجير لابي يفضل عنه الخبز وانا اهلك جوعا. 18 اقوم واذهب الى ابي واقول له يا ابي اخطأت الى السماء وقدامك. 19 ولست مستحقا بعد ان ادعى لك ابنا. اجعلني كاحد اجراك. 20 فقام وجاء الى ابيه. واذ كان لم يزل بعيدا رآه ابوه فتحنن وركض ووقع على عنقه وقبّله. 21 فقال له الابن يا ابي اخطأت الى السماء وقدامك ولست مستحقا بعد ان أدعى لك ابنا. 17 فرجع الى نفسه وقال كم من اجير لابي يفضل عنه الخبز وانا اهلك جوعا. 18 اقوم واذهب الى ابي واقول له يا ابي اخطأت الى السماء وقدامك. 19 ولست مستحقا بعد ان ادعى لك ابنا. اجعلني كاحد اجراك. 20 فقام وجاء الى ابيه. واذ كان لم يزل بعيدا رآه ابوه فتحنن وركض ووقع على عنقه وقبّله. 21 فقال له الابن يا ابي اخطأت الى السماء وقدامك ولست مستحقا بعد ان أدعى لك ابنا.
Repentance means to turn around making a 180 degrees U turn (to head east instead of heading west). Repentance means to turn around making a 180 degrees U turn (to head east instead of heading west). True repentance begins in the heart when I honestly decide to change. True repentance begins in the heart when I honestly decide to change.
To repent is to honestly decide inside my heart to try my best not to repeat such mistake. To repent is to honestly decide inside my heart to try my best not to repeat such mistake. To confess is to admit my mistake saying “I was wrong” To confess is to admit my mistake saying “I was wrong” Confession loses its value if it is not proceeded by genuine repentance Confession loses its value if it is not proceeded by genuine repentance
If I have to repent anyways, why do I have to confess?? If I have to repent anyways, why do I have to confess?? When apologizing, it is important to state my intention to change. The offended person will not mind read your good intentions When apologizing, it is important to state my intention to change. The offended person will not mind read your good intentions We use repentance and confession to restore our relationship with God, we need to do the same to restore our relationships with others. We use repentance and confession to restore our relationship with God, we need to do the same to restore our relationships with others.
Luke 18: Luke 18: انسانان صعدا الى الهيكل ليصلّيا واحد فريسي والآخر عشار. 11 اما الفريسي فوقف يصلّي في نفسه هكذا. اللهم انا اشكرك اني لست مثل باقي الناس الخاطفين الظالمين الزناة ولا مثل هذا العشار. 12 اصوم مرتين في الاسبوع واعشر كل ما اقتنيه. 13 واما العشار فوقف من بعيد لا يشاء ان يرفع عينيه نحو السماء. بل قرع على صدره قائلا اللهم ارحمني انا الخاطئ. 14 اقول لكم ان هذا نزل الى بيته مبررا دون ذاك. لان كل من يرفع نفسه يتضع ومن يضع نفسه يرتفع 10 انسانان صعدا الى الهيكل ليصلّيا واحد فريسي والآخر عشار. 11 اما الفريسي فوقف يصلّي في نفسه هكذا. اللهم انا اشكرك اني لست مثل باقي الناس الخاطفين الظالمين الزناة ولا مثل هذا العشار. 12 اصوم مرتين في الاسبوع واعشر كل ما اقتنيه. 13 واما العشار فوقف من بعيد لا يشاء ان يرفع عينيه نحو السماء. بل قرع على صدره قائلا اللهم ارحمني انا الخاطئ. 14 اقول لكم ان هذا نزل الى بيته مبررا دون ذاك. لان كل من يرفع نفسه يتضع ومن يضع نفسه يرتفع How did the tax collector gain justification?? How did the tax collector gain justification??
The Tax collector requested forgiveness The Tax collector requested forgiveness For some people to accept your apology they need to hear “will you please forgive me?” For some people to accept your apology they need to hear “will you please forgive me?” Why is it so difficult for some people to request forgiveness?? Why is it so difficult for some people to request forgiveness??
Requesting forgiveness is difficult for those who have strong controlling personalities. They feel uncomfortable when they are not in control of the situation. Requesting forgiveness is difficult for those who have strong controlling personalities. They feel uncomfortable when they are not in control of the situation. Responding to the request lies in the hands of the offended person. He/she might choose to accept or refuse my request. For some, they can not afford to feel rejected Responding to the request lies in the hands of the offended person. He/she might choose to accept or refuse my request. For some, they can not afford to feel rejected
What do you think of such request: “I said I am sorry OK, what more do you want me to do?”!!! What do you think of such request: “I said I am sorry OK, what more do you want me to do?”!!! Forgiveness should be requested not demanded Forgiveness should be requested not demanded
Express Regret: Learn to say “I am sorry” Express Regret: Learn to say “I am sorry” Accept Responsibility (Confess): “I was mistaken” Accept Responsibility (Confess): “I was mistaken” Make Correction (if possible): “What action can I take to fix the damage ?” Make Correction (if possible): “What action can I take to fix the damage ?” Repent: “I will try my best not to repeat this action” Repent: “I will try my best not to repeat this action” Request forgiveness Request forgiveness