By: Luke Bielfeldt State motto
The state of Kansas’s abbreviation is KS. It is KS because the first letter is K and the last letter is S.
The population of Kansas is 2.89 million. This is as of The population of Wichita (the biggest city in Kansas) is 385,577. This is also of 2012.
Kansas came into the union on January 29, 1861.
The capital of Kansas is Topeka.
Roscoe was a famous actor that was from Kansas.
Kansas is in the Midwest region. The states bordering Kansas are Missouri, Nebraska, Colorado and Oklahoma.
The state bird of Kansas is the western meadowlark.
The Kansas state gemstone is topaz.
The state food of Kansas is fried chicken.
The state fish of Kansas is the bluegill.
Kansas’s state grass is the little bluestem.
Kansas’s state mineral is halite.
The state tree is the cottonwood tree.
The state flower is the sunflower.