UNIT 1 Agreement, Disagreement, and Personal Feelings “Language Information” L.E.L.I. Eva Ortiz Benítez 1
Agreement …the harmony of people’s opinion. * I agree * I think so, too. * I´m in complete agreement with you. *That’s right and… *Absolutely *That´s a good point. * I agree * I think so, too. * I´m in complete agreement with you. *That’s right and… *Absolutely *That´s a good point. Disagreement …a conflict or difference of opinion. *Well, maybe. But… Well, that might be true, but… *Well, I think that… *Well, in my opinion… *Well, my feeling is that… * Oh, I don´t thing so. I think that… *I disagree with you… *Well, maybe. But… Well, that might be true, but… *Well, I think that… *Well, in my opinion… *Well, my feeling is that… * Oh, I don´t thing so. I think that… *I disagree with you…
More expressions for agreeing and disagreeing
Adjectives ending in –ed describe the way you feel. *Marissa is annoyed. *Luke is shocked. *They’re frightened. *Are you bored? *Marissa is annoyed. *Luke is shocked. *They’re frightened. *Are you bored? Adjectives ending in -ing explain what or who makes you feel this way. *Marissa is annoyed because she’s just received and annoying . *Is Luke shocked because he’s just read shocking news? *The film was frightening. The children were frightened. *I’m bored because this work is boring. *Marissa is annoyed because she’s just received and annoying . *Is Luke shocked because he’s just read shocking news? *The film was frightening. The children were frightened. *I’m bored because this work is boring. Personal feelings
Questions about opinions So, what do you think about…? What’s your opinion about…? What’s your feeling about…? What’s your point of view about…? How do you feel about the issue of…? Do you have any opinions about…?
Expressions about opinions I think people should… I don’t think people should… People shouldn’t… From my point of view… I don’t think that people should be allowed to… I can undestand _____, but I can’t understand____ ___.
*See the file “Feelings” in the section Glossaries for further reference. References: Malamed Lewis. “That’s wrong!” – Improving the friendly discussion of controversial issues. – Tokai University, Japan. Cunningham and Mohamed. “Language to go” Pre-intermediate.- Longman