By: Michael
1. You can do hands on projects. 2.You can work with computers. 3.You get taught advanced for a better career. 4.We get to go on field trips a lot more than regular schools. 5.We also have fun Fridays where we can do music, reading, and science. 6.Here is the summary of one of my books I got to make. It’s on the next page. You really want to come. Why you should come
I was fixing a time machine when it took me to Star Wars. I met some characters from the movie and I asked Luke Skywalker to help me fix the time machine. It took me back to the dinosaur era and a T-Rex starts chasing us. I had to make tools to fix the time machine in time and get back to the present. Summary
Principals Our teachers
My Teachers
Hope I see you there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want you at Ac2e Magnet School!