BSAC-Andrew Bertram Communicator-Graham Bousley Team Leader-Hallie Kreitlow BWIG-Sarah Switalski Advisor: Paul Thompson Client: Dr. Tova Ablove
Pelvic organ prolapse background Problem statement Design specifications Current designs Design alternatives Design matrix Future work
Pelvic Prolapse ◦ Pelvic floor muscles become weak and cannot support pelvic organs Causes ◦ Pregnancy Fifty percent ◦ Aging 50+ years ◦ Obesity
Site specific staging system Stages Central vs. lateral Different types of prolapse: ◦ Cystocele ◦ Rectocele ◦ Uterine ◦ Vault
Design and fabricate a dynamic model to teach the pelvic organ prolapse quantification exam (POP-Q).
Must contain bladder, uterus, rectum, vagina, and support systems Must simulate the different stages and central and lateral prolapse Dimensions to scale Easy to manipulate and reset Should not include labels (teaching model) Allotted budget: ~$1,000
Static anatomical models Dynamic model ◦ Inverted Santa Claus hat Wooden frame Buttons
External structure ◦ Pelvis ◦ Physical landmarks Urethra Rectum Vagina ◦ Colored segments for POP-Q measurement sites ◦ Silicone ◦ Anchoring system ◦ Diameter~9cm ◦ Length~30cm
Drop objects down chutes in order to apply pressure to the walls of the vagina Disadvantages ◦ Upright Orientation ◦ Difficult to reset Side View Vertically Oriented Bladder Rectum Cervix Vagina
Balloons ◦ Inflate with calibrated syringes ◦ One at each POP-Q measurement site Rods ◦ Cervix ◦ Lateral prolapse Side View
Rods control objects to press on anterior and posterior walls Side View Bladder Rectum Vagina Cervix
CriteriaWeightRod SystemWeighted System Calibrated Pressure/Rod System Feasibility Accuracy20155 Ease of Use Durability Cost5532 SafetyY/NYYY Totals
Test materials Finalize dimensions Assemble model Test and calibrate model
Beus, Tamara. “Pelvic Organ Prolapse.” Women’s Health Women’s Health. Flesh, MD, George. “Pelvic Organ Prolapse Quantification System.” UpToDate. May Sep Geiss et. al. “A simple teaching tool for training the pelvic organ prolapse quantification system.” International Urogynecology Journal Volume 18: Herschorn, MD, FRCSC, Sender. “Female Pelvic Floor Anatomy: The Pelvic Floor, Supporting Structures, and Pelvic Organs.” MedReviews Sep Bard.
Pros ◦ More visually accurate ◦ Calibrated Pressure System Cons ◦ Less Durable ◦ Harder to scale up ◦ More expensive ◦ Harder to find materials
Pros ◦ Not visually accurate ◦ More realistic measurements for POP-Q Exam (variability) Cons ◦ Difficult to calibrate ◦ Difficult to reset ◦ Not as durable ◦ Cannot simulate all types of prolapse
Pros ◦ Simpler to fabricate and use ◦ Cheaper ◦ Movements are easily controlled ◦ Easy to scale up