Pelvic Categories: Comparison Definition Functional Testing Correction Muscle Involvement
Definitions n CATEGORY II –SUBLUXATION of SI joint n PI or AS Ilium (Posterior Ischium) n CATEGORY I –Pelvic Torsion WITHOUT subluxation n Category III –Dysfunction of the pelvis & 5th lumbar
Therapy Localization n Cat. II = 1 hand on 1 SI at a time n Cat. I = 1 hand on each SI at same time – - then 2 hands on 1 SI at a time - POSITIVE SIDE n Cat. III = NO Therapy Localization – - Only CHALLENGE
Challenges n Cat. II = Rebound challenge as either: –PI or AS Ilium (posterior ischium) n Cat. I = Rebound challenge: –Contact PSIS & opposite ischial tuberosity n Cat. III = Rebound challenge: –Lateral to medial on L5 spinous n Toward Ischial contact –Anterior to posterior on ANTERIOR ischium n side opposite L5 contact
Corrections n Cat. II = ADJUST subluxation –PI or AS; any technique n Cat. I = ADJUST pelvic torsion –Block Pelvis; blocks angled –Enhancement Procedure n “Pump” PSIS or Ischial Tuberosity –NOT on the primary side; NOT over a block n Cat. III = ADJUST L5/Pelvic Dysfunction
Corrections (Continued) n Cat. III = ADJUST L5/Pelvic Dysfunction –Block pelvis; adjust blocks w/S5 tenderness –Evaluate for sacral respiratory fault n Correct if present; Cat. III correction complete n If sacral fault NOT present, block 5-10 minutes
Correct Muscle Imbalance n Using the “5 FACTORS OF THE IVF” n Cat. II = PI: Sartorius and/or gracilis AS: Hamstring ( medial / lateral)
Correct Muscle Imbalance n Using the “5 FACTORS OF THE IVF” n Cat. I = Priority List: Piriformis, Gluteus Maximus,Gluteus Medius, Quad. Lumborum, Oblique Abdominals, Sacrospinalis