the appendicular skeleton = 126 bones of the pectoral girdle, upper limbs, pelvic girdle, lower limbs
SKELETAL ORGANIZATION pectoral girdle = scapula + clavicles upper limbs = humerus, radius, ulna, carpals, metacarpals, phalanges pelvic girdle = 2 os coxae or coxal bones lower limbs = femur, tibia, fibula, patella, tarsals, metatarsals, phalanges
THE PECTORAL GIRDLE 2 clavicles + 2 scapula supports the upper limbs, provides a place for muscle attachment arrangement of bones is good for mobility, but bad for stability
THE PECTORAL GIRDLE clavicles = “collarbones” “S” shape not very strong; easily fractured
THE PECTORAL GIRDLE scapulae = “spade” shoulder blades broad, triangular bones
THE PECTORAL GIRDLE glenoid cavity = a depression where the head of the humerus fits
THE UPPER LIMBS humerus: location = upper arm extends from the scapula to the elbow head fits into the glenoid cavity of the scapula
THE UPPER LIMBS radius: location = forearm on the thumb side between the elbow & wrist
THE UPPER LIMBS ulna = forearm longer than the radius, overlaps the humerus
THE UPPER LIMBS carpals = wrist 8 bones – 2 rows of four short bones
THE UPPER LIMBS 5 metacarpals = palm distal ends form the knuckles numbered 1-5 starting with the thumb
THE UPPER LIMBS 14 phalanges = fingers / digits 3 in each finger (proximal, middle, distal), 2 in the thumb / pollex (proximal, distal)
THE PELVIC GIRDLE made of 2 os coxae or coxal bones which articulate with each other & the sacrum
THE PELVIC GIRDLE functions include support for the trunk, attachments for the lower limbs, protection for the bladder, large intestine, & reproductive organs has a cup-shaped acetabulum which receives the head of the femur
THE PELVIC GIRDLE each coxal bone has 3 parts: ilium: the largest portion, upper prominence called the iliac crest ischium: the lowest portion, you sit on the ischial tuberosities pubis: the anterior portion, fuses at the pubic symphysis
THE PELVIC GIRDLE the obturator foramen is a large opening where nerves & blood vessels pass from the spinal cord to the lower limbs
THE LOWER LIMBS femur = “thigh bone” longest, strongest bone in the body extends from the hip to the knee head of femur fits into the acetabulum of the coxae
articulates with the femur Patella = kneecap, a sesamoid bone articulates with the femur
THE LOWER LIMBS tibia = larger bone of the lower leg, “shin” on the medial side of the leg
THE LOWER LIMBS fibula = smaller bone of the lower leg on the lateral lower leg bears no weight
THE LOWER LIMBS tarsals = ankle 7 tarsal bones the talus is the only free moving bone of the ankle the calcaneus / heel is the largest tarsal bone
THE LOWER LIMBS metatarsals = soles / arch numbered 1-5 starting with the big toe longitudinal arch + transverse arch when arches weaken you may get flat feet
THE LOWER LIMBS phalanges = toes 14 total, 3 in each except the big toe
JOINTS 230 in the body = functional junctions between bones bind parts of the skeletal system make bone growth possible allow the skeleton to change shape during birth enable movement
JOINTS classified according to their degree of movement = functional classification immovable slightly movable freely movable
JOINTS also classified according to the type of tissue binding bone = structural classification fibrous cartilaginous synovial
FIBROUS JOINTS: bones are tightly joined by a layer of dense connective tissue allow little or no movement ex. sutures of the skull, tibia-fibula
CARTILAGINOUS JOINTS: bones are connected by fibrocartilage allow limited movement ex. intervertebral discs, pubic symphysis, 1st rib to sternum
SYNOVIAL JOINTS: bones are covered with articular cartilage & held together by a fibrous joint capsule (outer layer of ligaments + inner layer of synovial membrane)
SYNOVIAL JOINTS: some have menisci (shock-absorbing pads), some have bursae (fluid-filled sacs located between the skin & bony prominences such as knees & elbows)
SYNOVIAL JOINTS: types of synovial joints: gliding hinge Pivot ellipsoidal saddle ball-and-socket
TYPES OF JOINT MOVEMENTS: flexion / extension abduction / adduction Circumduction hyperextension Refer to handouts! retraction / protraction elevation / depression Rotation pronation / supination opposition dorsiflexion / plantar flexion eversion / inversion