The Skeletal System: The Appendicular Skeleton A. Pectoral girdle A. Pectoral girdle B. Upper extemity B. Upper extemity C. Pelvic girdle C. Pelvic girdle D. Lower extremity D. Lower extremity E. Arches of the foot E. Arches of the foot
Pectoral Girdle 1. clavicle 2. scapula
Clavicle 1. joints a. sternoclavicular b. acromioclavicular 2. functions
Scapula 1. no bony attachments to axial skeleton 2. glenohumeral joint 3. functions
Function of the Pectoral Girdle 1. no articulations with vertebral column 2. not very stable 3. wide range of motion allowed
Bones of the Upper Extremity humerus radius and ulna carpals (8) phalanges (14)
Bones of the Upper Extremity
Pelvic Girdle 1. coxal bones 2. sacroiliac joints 3. pubic symphysis
Coxal Bones 1. ilium 2. ischium 3. pubis ______________ 4. acetabulum
Pelvis 1. pelvic brim 2. false pelvis vs true pelvis 3. pelvic inlet vs pelvic outlet 4. pelvic axis _________________ obstetric concerns
Bones of the Lower Extremity femurpatella tibia and fibula tarsals (7) phalanges (14)
Bones of the Lower Extremity
Arches of the Foot 1. longitudinal arch a. medial (inner) a. medial (inner) b. lateral (outer) b. lateral (outer) 2. transverse arch __________________ 3. functions