Vermont’s eEnergy Smart Grid Initiative Presentation to AEIQ
eEnergy Vermont – Participation Collaboration of all eEnergy VT Participants –One Vermont Application –Includes: 17 electric utilities VT Department of Public Service Norwich University University of Vermont Efficiency Vermont VELCO as SGIG “Program Management”
Vermont as Nation’s Energy Laboratory…Again History – Vermont has a history of providing a small and vertically integrated energy laboratory for the nation. Location – Vermont is located in-between three regional control areas: ISO-NE, NY-ISO, and Hydro-Quebec. Beginning Base Work Done – Vermont Electric Cooperative (VEC) smart meters to over 70% of customers — they will serve as a “test bed” for work which will be leveraged across the state. VELCO fiber optic network well underway. Vermont Vision – Establish Vermont as nation’s first truly statewide smart grid with enhanced capability from regional grid to state grid to distribution utility to customer
Elements of the eEnergy Vermont Project Project work has impacted customers throughout the state, though not all service areas have identical deployments. Generally, projects cover the following: –Smart Meters: deployments to approximately 300,000 premises in the state connecting meters and utilities, some backhaul communications utilizing ARRA Broadband Project (Vtel) –Grid Automation: upgrades and new deployments of SCADA controls to substations and the distribution circuits –Dynamic Rates Testing: pilots to test different combinations of dynamic rate structures and customer-side devices (in-home displays, etc…) to determine the most effective combinations of rates and electronics –Fiber Optic Backbone: leverage separately financed VELCO 1000-mile fiber optic backbone project needed for grid reliability and communication to serve as eEnergy Vermont’s “communications highway”
eEnergy Vermont – Smart Meters and Beyond The eEnergy project will enable customers make choices around their energy consumption