The Simplest Way TO IMPLEMENT RBA POPULATION ACCOUNTABILITY 1. Pick an important indicator curve 2. Run the Population Turn the Curve Exercise 3. Take action Repeat PERFORMANCE ACCOUNTABILITY 1. Pick an important performance measure curve 2. Run the Performance Turn the Curve Exercise 3. Take action Repeat
City of London Ontario Priority Results ● A Strong Economy ● A Vibrant Diverse Community ● A Green and Growing City ● A Reliable Infrastructure ● A Safe City Source: Draft Strategic Plan Sept 2011
VERMONT Population Outcomes (S.293) 1. Vermont has a prosperous economy. 2. Vermonters are healthy. 3. Vermont’s environment is clean and sustainable. 4. Vermont’s communities are safe and supportive. 5. Vermont’s families are safe, nurturing, stable, and supported. 6. Vermont’s children and young people achieve their potential. 7. Vermont’s elders and people with disabilities and people with mental conditions live with dignity and independence in settings they prefer. 8. Vermont has open, effective, and inclusive government at the State and local levels.
VERMONT Population Outcomes (S.293) 1. Vermont has a prosperous economy. 2. Vermonters are healthy. 3. Vermont’s environment is clean and sustainable. 4. Vermont’s communities are safe and supportive. 5. Vermont’s families are safe, nurturing, stable, and supported. 6. Vermont’s children and young people achieve their potential. (A) Pregnant women and young people thrive. (B) Children are ready for school. (C) Children succeed in school. (D) Youth choose healthy behaviors. (E) Youth successfully transition to adulthood. 7. Vermont’s elders and people with disabilities and people with mental conditions live with dignity and independence in settings they prefer. 8. Vermont has open, effective, and inclusive government at the State and local levels.
1. All CT residents live in safe families and communities 2. All CT residents are economically secure 3. All CT residents are developmentally, physically, and mentally healthy across the life span 4. All CT residents who are elderly or have disabilities live engaged lives in supportive environments of their choosing 5. All CT residents succeed in education and are prepared for careers, citizenship, and life 6. All CT children grow up in a stable environment, safe, healthy, & ready to succeed. 7. All CT residents have a safe and efficient transportation system. 8. All CT residents have a clean and healthy environment. 9. All CT residents have a fair ethical and efficient government 10. All CT residents and visitors enjoy the state's rich artistic and cultural life. Connecticut Population Results (Composite Draft)
1. Flying start in life, best basis for growth & development. 2. Access to a wide range of educational & learning opportunities, including personal & social skills. 3. Best possible physical, mental, social & emotional health, including freedom from abuse, victimisation & exploitation. 4. Access to safe play, leisure, sport & cultural activities. 5. Benefit of a safe home & community that supports physical & emotional well-being. 6. Be listened to, treated with respect, & have faith & cultural identity recognised. 7. Intervention to ensure children are not disadvantaged by poverty. The Welsh Assembly Government 7 Core Aims for Children and Young People
Every Child Matters – Children Act Outcomes for Children and Young People Being Healthy : enjoying good physical and mental health and living a healthy lifestyle. Staying Safe : being protected from harm and neglect and growing up able to look after themselves. Enjoying and Achieving : getting the most out of life and developing broad skills for adulthood. Making a Positive Contribution : to the community and to society and not engaging in anti-social or offending behaviour. Economic Well-being : overcoming socio-economic disadvantages to achieve their full potential in life.
LEEDS Outcomes for Children and Young People Children and young people will: ● Be safe from harm. ● Do well at all levels of learning and have the skills for life. ● Choose healthy lifestyles. ● Have fun growing up. ● Be active citizens who feel they have voice and influence.
CARDIFF, WALES Community Outcomes 1. People in Cardiff are healthy 2. Cardiff has a clean attractive and sustainable environment 3. People in Cardiff are safe and feel safe 4. Cardiff has a thriving and prosperous economy 5. People in Cardiff achieve their full potential. 6. Cardiff is a great place to live, work and play. 7. Cardiff has a fair, just and inclusive society.
“We haven’t got the money, so we’ve got to think.” Lord Rutherford
The Cost of Bad Results Invest in prevention to reduce or avoid out-year costs. The costs of remediating problems after they occur Investment Track Cost $300 billion Revenue Convergence of Cost & Revenue
45 people per day 75 people per day people per day MADD
Source: Connexions Tyne and Wear, UK Newcastle, UK Revised 9 Nov 2007 Nov 08 – Jan
Hull, UK "Woundings"
Source: Santa Cruz County Community Assessment Project Comprehensive Report 2009 United Way of Santa Cruz County
Christchurch, New Zealand Number of Graffiti Sites FY 2002 to FY 2010
Lord Laming Report 2009
US Highway Accident Fatalities 150 per day in per day in Fatalities total - Fatalities per VMT Approx 68 injuries for each death = 6,000 per day in 2010