1 An AT Exchange for Public Schools to Share AT Devices Arlene Lugo, ATP - Connecticut Kathy Adams, OTR/L, ATP - Maine Sharon Alderman, BA Elem Ed - Vermont *Modified from an ATIA presentation in January 2009
2 Teamwork!
4 Learning Objectives Overview of the AT Act Programs Identify the need for tracking AT devices used in public schools Demonstrate how the “AT School Swap” website can meet the needs of schools to maximize the effective use of AT Show how State’s AT Act Programs collaborate to create & share resources
5 Goals of the AT Act Programs Work to increase access to and the acquisition of AT in 4 functional areas of life—across all ages & all disabilities Education Employment Community Living Information Tech & Telecommunications
6 AT Exchange/Reuse….by the New England's AT Act Programs Collaboration and Coordination between Connecticut, Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island In 2007, the NE programs created the regional AT Exchange >> site gives each state the AT Data required for RSA federal reports In 2008: 70 AT devices were exchanged & $141,608 was “saved” by consumers $$$$$ So far in 2009…. 111 devices have exchanged with $412,725 saved !!!!
7 AT Exchange/Reuse The vendor is AgoraNet >> Through using the public AT Exchange site, we realized that it was replicable for use by schools…again, CT took the lead!
8 NOTE: Performance Measures cannot be used in RSA Data report—Why? ** Reference >>> RSA, Annual Report for State Grant for Assistive Technology Programs, OMB # , section on Reutilization Schools may obtain AT devices through AT Exchanges Schools are obligated to provide an AT device when it is identified in a child’s IEP
9 Performance Measures cannot be used in RSA Data report—Why? For students where AT is acquired through a Device Exchange…… the performance measure questions are not answerable because the issue of affordability or availability are not allowable reasons to limit access to AT that has been identified to meet the educational goals of students. So, exclude from the data collection on performance measures, those individuals who acquire devices through the AT School Swap exchange.
10 Any Questions at this point?
11 How did we identify the need? Survey potential users…. Maine State Special Ed Directors Conference: >90% will use an AT swap site “We can always use ways to save money in our budgets- this will make our funds go further” Vermont 86% of schools stated they would be willing to share AT Comments: “This could be a collaborative opportunity that goes well beyond AT” “This is key for us, we need support, connection with others, assistance in assessment” “Yes, we are really just tapping the surface of this area.”
12 Survey input … Challenges: “Keeping the inventory updated and available to all of us...changes happen so rapidly. There will need to be someone dedicated to keeping this going.” “Because of the distance between schools in the state, we would need a good description of the device as we could not see the device before purchase. The challenge with any database is making sure it is always up to date.”
13 Identifying the Need…. Attended Conferences & Presentations with Stakeholders…… -State Department of Education -State Special Ed Directors -State Special Ed Advisory Council -OTs, PTs, SLPs -State School Board Association -University: Special Ed and General Ed Faculty ----who else would you approach?
14 Why the Need for Reusing AT? There are shrinking pubic dollars in school budgets $$ Equipment is often abandoned due to changes in need, growth, the child leaves the system/ moves away or it was inappropriate in the first place….Often the device is still new! Exchanging AT recycles good equipment that may otherwise never be used---and has already been paid for! Schools/students/families may need duplicate devices Offers great savings on the cost of equipment— Short-term loan of AT for use in assessments
15 AT Schools Swap in CT… Connecticut took the lead using the model of “Get AT Stuff” to create an AT Exchange for school systems The site is available only to schools In Spring 2008, Promoted the AT School Swap site with a Professional Development workshop to schools: “Transition and Technology” For general educators, special educators, paraprofessionals, special education directors, other administrators who attended as a “School Team”
16 CT--- AT Schools Swap Each School Team received an AT Toolkit--with low to mid tech devices Participants were given a chance to see the AT School Swap site and could sign up for an account at the training Bonus: Mimio Interactive Smartboards are available for loan to school who sign up for the AT School Swap
17 can be used …. To keep track of the AT Inventory in schools To recycle unused AT through loan or surplus to other schools Bulk upload of devices is possible through use of a spreadsheet Help to complete the AT inventory is available through the CT Tech Mentor Program….use interns/students
19 Visit the Connecticut site…
20 AT School Swap Demo Site Provided by the Connecticut AT Act Program log in: demo, demo
21 Questions…Comments?
22 Developing Vermont’s AT School Swap Vermont.ATSchoolSwap.com is modeled after the CT AT School Swap Introduction to VT Special Ed Directors via Requested participation - Survey Monkey April 08 Tele Conference introduction of Demo Sites & getATstuff.com site July 08getATstuff.com Executive Committee Special Ed Directors August 08 Vermont.ATschoolswap launched September 08
23 Vermont’s AT School Swap 14 Districts with numerous schools participating across Vermont Presented at the Training with Joy Zabala (Oct 08) sponsored by Vermont Family Network, University of Vermont Interdisciplinary Team (TRIPSCY), Dept of Ed Enthusiasm remains high, inventories being gathered, decisions re: sale, loan, free, trade Districts getting equipment via getATstuff.com Continued w/ teleconference introductions to the site Inventory assistance - AT Program Personnel
24 Maine’s Plans for an AT school Swap Developing an MOA with State Special Education Directors Association Plan to replicate the CT AT School Swap model Assessing costs $$$$ in collaboration with the State Dept of Education Plan to launch the site in 2009
25 Thank you! Visit these sites……. The AT School Swap demo site (see slide 17)