MECSAT Shermane Austin Medgar Evers College, CUNY Affiliate: New York State Space Grant Consortium National Space Grant Director’s Meeting March 2, 2007, Washington, DC
About Medgar Evers College Senior college in the City University of New York – approximately 5,500 students Student enrollment - primarily African- American and Caribbean-American Primarily teaching institution Emphasis on undergraduate research in STEM areas Partnerships with other CUNY units Located in heart of Central Brooklyn
NASA Programs at MEC New York State Space Grant Consortium –Affiliate Director – Shermane Austin –Area: BalloonSAT –Target: undergraduate and high school students MURED-supported programs: –MUSPIN Areas: Earth Science, Space Science and Technology Areas: Earth Science, Space Science and Technology Target: faculty, undergraduate and K-12 Target: faculty, undergraduate and K-12 –OSS/MUCERPI: New York City Space Science Research Alliance Area: Space Science education & research, CUNY BS in Space Area: Space Science education & research, CUNY BS in Space Science Science Target: faculty, undergraduate Target: faculty, undergraduate –SEMAA and Honorable Major Owens Aerospace Education Lab Areas: Earth Science, Space Science and Robotics Areas: Earth Science, Space Science and Robotics Target: Middle and high school students Target: Middle and high school students
Colorado Workshop Graduates Attended Student Hardware Workshop in June, 2004 Team partner, Michael Fortney, launched ongoing collaboration with Vermont State Space Grant
MECSAT BalloonSAT based at Medgar Evers College with launches in upstate New York and Northern Vermont 25 or so launches in the past two years - 13 were ozonesondes Student payloads: data logger, Geiger counter, CO2 monitor, thermopile array, cameras, etc.
Other launch activities Occasional travel to observe and learn from other BalloonSAT groups Great Plains Super Launch - July, 2005 (hopefully again this summer) Borealis/Montana State University – August, 2005
MECSAT Launch Base Located in Paradox, NY in the Adirondacks on 400 acres of private property Used for year- round student and faculty launches and workshops Base station for ozone profiles
MECSAT – Vermont Launches Better terrain for landing and recovery Hosted by Vermont State Space Grant and Milton High School Student housing provided Vermont Space Grant – often in UVM dorms Payloads from MEC undergraduate and New York City high school students Flights also used as CricketSAT platforms developed by Michael Fortney with Vermont high school students
Ozonesonde Launches Provide students with links to NASA science Physical variables include: ozone mixing ratio (ppmv), temperature and frost point Required additional equipment: –ECC 2Z ozonesondes with interface board for Vaisala radiosondes –Calibration and Test Unit Equipment funding from Aura EPO program Training provided by John Merrill, University of Rhode Island Continue to use KTU at URI for lab prep of sondes
Integrating High School Students Summer Academy for NYC high school students Surface ozone investigations using GLOBE protocols Linkages to ozone profiles
IONS06 Participation Intex Ozonesonde Network Study – PI: Anne Thompson, Penn State U. Transport and distribution of tropospheric ozone Part of Aura Data Validation Team Intensive observation campaign in April and August including validation of OMI and TES instruments during satellite overpasses MECSAT/Paradox base is one of the IONS stations
“Mapping Ozone” New York Times video of one of our ozonesonde launches
Curriculum Integration Existing courses: Air and Water Pollution Scientific Computing (for Data Analysis) Remote Sensing Special Topics in Space Science (Physics) – Applications in Earth and Planetary Science Special Topics on the Environment
Additional Partnerships and Workshops Workshop for University of Houston, Downtown and South Carolina State University faculty and students interested in ozone monitoring programs CUNY units: CCNY, LAGCC, QBCC, York Upcoming workshops and launches with faculty and students in MUCERPI and MUSPIN networks Workshops and launch participation for area high schools
Acknowledgements New York State Space Grant Consortium Vermont State Space Grant Consortium Bill Hiscock, Montana State Space Grant Consortium John Merrill, University of Rhode Island NASA AURA E/PO Program NASA/MUSPIN-CUNY NRTS NASA/MUCERPI-NYCSSRA HP Teaching with Technology