Vermont Agency of Transportation Performance Management Status FHWA Performance Management Workshop June 19, 2012 Warwick, RI Joe Segale, P.E./PTP Policy and Planning Manager
Presentation Outline History Strategic Direction Long Range Planning Programming Strategic Direction Planning Performance Measures & Targets Programming Monitor, Report, Adjust
Highways & Bridges –2,840 miles state system –11,300 miles town systems –2,700 long bridges –1,300 Short Structures 50-plus Park and Rides Bike/Pedestrian Programs Public Transit Programs ~310 Miles State-owned Rail Lines 10 State-owned Airports Transportation System
History 2002 VTrans Asset Management Vision and Work Plan Sec V.S.A. § 10k: The agency shall develop an asset management plan which is a systematic goal and performance-driven management and decision-making process of operating, maintaining and upgrading transportation assets cost-effectively…. (2001/2002 VT General Assembly) Transportation Asset Management Framework
Strategic Direction 2009 Long Range Plan The Hierarchy of Performance Measure Categories
Strategic Direction Strategic Plan Governor’s State Priorities Governor’s State Priorities VTrans 2012 Strategic Plan Mission & Values Goals Performance Measures 1.Economy 2.Environmental Conservation 3.Modern Infrastructure 4.Correctional Recidivism 5.State Government & Employees 6.Affordable Health Care 7.Safe Communities/Strong Schools 1.Economy 2.Environmental Conservation 3.Modern Infrastructure 4.Correctional Recidivism 5.State Government & Employees 6.Affordable Health Care 7.Safe Communities/Strong Schools 1.Safety 2.Excellence & Innovation 3.Planning 4.Preservation 5.Environmental Stewardship 1.Safety 2.Excellence & Innovation 3.Planning 4.Preservation 5.Environmental Stewardship
Long Range Planning Bicycle and Pedestrian Policy Plan – 2008 Highway System Policy Plan 2004 VT State Rail & Policy Plan – 2007 Airport System Policy Plan 2007 Public Transportation Policy Plan 2012 Vermont Comprehensive Energy Plan 2011
Strategic Performance Measures (October 2006)
Strategic Plan GoalPerformance Measure Provide for a Safe and Resilient Transportation System a.Reduce annual number of crashes and fatalities per vehicle miles traveled b.Incorporate resilience in prioritization of bridge and road programs c.Reduce the frequency and severity of workforce injuries Preserve, Maintain and Operate the Transportation System in the Most Cost Effective and Efficient Manner a.Reduce the percent of lane miles of state owned highway in poor or very poor pavement condition b.Reduce the number of structurally deficient bridges on the state owned highway system Provide Vermonters with Travel Choices/Options. a.Reduce percentage of commute trips made in single occupancy vehicles b.Increase public transit ridership c.Increase passenger rail ridership Provide Quality Customer Service a.Increase percentage of DMV customers waited on within 30 minutes b.Increase percentage of electronic registration renewals Protect the Natural Environment and Promote Energy Efficiency a.Maintain annual growth in vehicle miles travelled no greater than 1.5% per year b.Increase the percentage of vehicles registered in the state that use renewable energy c.Increase car-pool and van-pool participation Support and Reinforce Vermont’s Historic Settlement Pattern of Compact Village and Urban Centers Separated by Rural Countryside a.Work with ACCD to develop other measures Secure Sustainable Funding and Finance Sources a.Have no amount of FHWA annual formula funds lapse at the end of the FFY. b.Utilize 100% of FHWA annual formula obligation limitation c.Track state and federal formula capital and operating funds available to VTrans
Capital Plan Prioritization –12 Programs Prioritized –Funding established by Program Criteria –Performance Measures –Cost –Project Momentum –Use –Regional Priority Programming
Reporting & Adaptation
Summary Strategic Direction Planning Performance Measures & Targets Programming Monitor, Report, Adjust