WCAX News 2014 Vermont Election Poll A graphic overview of the results
Survey Overview Based on 653 interviews of registered voters conducted by phone from September 22 to October 2, 2014 Margin of error for entire sample, +/- 3.8% Data are weighted by age, gender, and county to adjust for response bias A likely voter model is applied to questions about voting in 2014 to adjust for over reporting the intention to vote
ELECTIONS Vermont voters’ preferences among candidates
Gubernatorial Race
Lieutenant Governor’s Race
Sanders 2016
PERFORMANCE RATINGS Vermont voters’ assess the performance of leaders and agencies
Mood of Vermont
Job Approval
Rating Vermont Health Connect
Rating Vermont Health Connect, based on familiarity with the program
Rating the VT Dept. of Children and Families
Rating the state’s performance addressing opiate addition
ISSUES AND POLICIES Vermont voters register opinions on issues of public policy
Issues Facing Vermont Total Chittenden County Northern Vermont Central Vermont Southern Vermont Taxes17%23%17%14% The economy / jobs17%14%21%18%15% Healthcare16%18% 11% Drugs (opiates)15%9%15%7%24% Cost of living12%18%9%13%7% Education9%4%11%10% Young people leaving the state 4% 2%3%6% Many things4% 3%6%4% Environmental issues2%1%0%6%2% Crime2% 1%2%
Legalizing Marijuana
Moratorium on New Wind Farms
Should Vermont Move Forward with Single Payer Healthcare
How to Pay for Single-Payer
Funding K12 Education in Vermont
The Polling Institute at Castleton College All calculations and data interpretations included in the report are the work of the Castleton Polling Institute. Any errors should be attributed to the report writers and not to WCAX or its staff.