Wars of the North/South. Identify key turning points in the American Revolution Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each side in the American.


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Presentation transcript:

Wars of the North/South

Identify key turning points in the American Revolution Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each side in the American Revolution. Identify the key outcomes of the American Revolution.

1. Express Problems Clearly: In what ways did the British misunderstand the conflict with the colonies?

Vermont Militia Captured Fort Ticonderoga in New York Captured much needed cannons and supplies

Northern Boston Two Hills gave the Americans strategic advantage British win but casualties are 1,100 to 400

Commanding general of Patriot forces Worked to train the militia Realized the strengths and weakness of America’s army

Knox brings the cannons from Ticonderoga to this location Washington shells the British and causes them to retreat

British American Well equipped Motivated Well disciplined Tactics Navy Washington Native Americans

Fight during the Winter Crosses the Delaware River Huge American success

Americans were retreating Bridges burned to slow British advance Biggest American victory to this point Foreign power start to believe in America

American base in winter of Troops starving, freezing, and under supplied British are well fed and warm

Army made entirely of Loyalists American victory by large margin

Cornwallis waits for reinforcements Lafayette sets up a blockade Washington combines the forces Major British defeat

The poor do most of the fighting Native Americans become even bigger targets British military power diminished

British recognize America as independent Boarders establish to the west and north Mississippi is the Spanish-American boarder Florida returned to Spain Britain withdraws troops Loyalists are to be restored as citizens

Most Northern States abolish slavery Native Americans suffer tremendously Ideas of liberty spread at home and abroad Women fail to gain political or legal power

No compelling reason to fight Inferior tactics Hessians Resentment at home

Loyalists vs Separatists eventual forgiveness America vs England-----Treaty of Paris Allies vs England-----regained territory

What was the battle that effectively ended the American Revolution? Green----Battle of Yorktown Yellow----Battle of Saratoga Red ----Battle of Bunker Hill Orange----Battle of Princeton

Which of the following was an American military strength? Green----Well Supplied Yellow----Well Trained Red----Familiar with American landscape Orange----Strong Navy

Which of the following was a provision of the Treaty of Paris Green----England paid America reparations Yellow----Spain regained Florida Red----British Troops are allowed to stay in America Orange----Loyalists must return to England