IDEL™ Training: Administration and Scoring of “Fluidez en las Palabras sin Sentido” (FPS) D ynamic M easurement G roup Supporting School Success One Step at a Time
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group 2 Fluidez en las Palabras sin Sentido (FPS) Beg Mid End Beg Mid End Beg Mid End Beg Mid End Beg Mid End Beg Mid End Beg Mid End Beg Mid End Preschool Kindergarten First Grade Second Grade Third Grade Fourth Grade Fifth Grade Sixth Grade FUP FNL FSF FLO FRO FPS
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group 3 Fluidez en las Palabras sin Sentido (FPS) Big Idea: Benchmark Goal: Assessment Times: Alphabetic Principle 70 by middle of First Grade Kindergarten: Winter, Spring First Grade: Fall, Winter, Spring
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group 4 IDEL™ Fluidez en las Palabras sin Sentido (FPS) Examiner shows page of nonsense words to student. Student reads the words. Score: Number of correct letter sounds student reads in 1 minute.
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group 5 Materials Benchmark or progress monitoring test booklet Student materials, i.e., page of nonsense words Clipboard Stopwatch Pen or pencil
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group 6 Directions for Administration 1.Place the page of practice words - “mosi” “lu” (student materials) in front of the student. 2.Place the scoring booklet on clipboard and position so that student cannot see what you record. 3.Say these specific directions to the student:
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group 7 Directions for Administration of FPS Mira esta palabra (señale la primera palabra en la copia de práctica). No es una palabra verdadera. Es una palabra sin sentido. Observa cómo leo la palabra: /m/ /o/ /s/ /i/ “mosi” (señale cada letra, después pase el dedo rápidamente debajo de toda la palabra) Puedo decir los sonidos de las letras, /m/ /o/ /s/ /i/ (señale cada letra), o puedo leer la palabra completa “mosi” (pase el dedo rápidamente debajo de toda la palabra). Ahora te toca a ti leer una palabra sin sentido. Lee la palabra lo mejor que puedas (señale la palabra “lu”). Asegúrate de decir todos los sonidos que sepas. mosi lu
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group 8 Correction Procedure
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group 9 Aqu í hay m á s palabras sin sentido (se ñ ale la copia no numerada del alumno). Comienza aqu í (se ñ ale la primera palabra) y contin ú a a trav é s de la p á gina (demu é strelo con el dedo). Cuando yo diga ‘ empieza ’, lee las palabras lo mejor que puedas. Toca cada letra y dime el sonido de la letra o dime toda la palabra. Pon el dedo en la primera palabra. ¿ Est á s listo/a? Empieza. Student Copy
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group 10 Benchmark Booklet: FPS Scoring Page
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group 11 Examiner Copy 6.Follow along on the examiner copy of the probe and underline each phoneme the student provides correctly, either in isolation or in the context of the nonsense word. Put a slash (/) over each phoneme read incorrectly or omitted. Fluidez en las Palabras sin Sentido 15
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group 12 7.At the end of 1 minute place a bracket (]) after the last letter sound, say “para” and stop your stopwatch.
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group 13 Timing Rule for FPS Continuous for 1 Minute Start the stopwatch after you say, empieza. At the end of 1 minute place a bracket (]) after the last letter sound, say “para” and stop your stopwatch.
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group 14 Wait Rule for FPS 3 Seconds The maximum time per letter sound is 3 seconds. If the student hesitates for 3 seconds on a letter sound or word, score the letter sound/word incorrect. Tell the child the correct sound/word, and, if necessary, point to the next letter/word, and say, “¿Qué sonido? ¿Qué palabra?” This response to hesitation may be repeated as often as necessary.
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group 15 Discontinue Rule First 5 Words If the student does not get any sounds correct in the first 5 words, discontinue the task and record a score of zero (0).
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group 16 Prompting Rule If the student provides the letter name rather than the letter sound, say, “Recuerda decirme los sonidos de las letras, no el nombre de las letras.” This prompt can be provided once.
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group 17 Directions for Scoring 1.Underline each letter sound the student provides correctly, either in isolation or in the context of the nonsense word. 2.Put a slash (/) over each letter sound read incorrectly. 3.Leave blank any letter sounds omitted, added, or repeated.
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group 18 Scoring Examples: Underline Correct Letter Sounds Sounds in Isolation Underline the individual letters for letter sounds produced correctly in isolation. 4/4c o n ec…o…n…econe 2/2m om…omo Correct Letter Sounds Scoring ProceduresStudent SaysWord
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group 19 Scoring Examples: Underline Correct Letter Sounds Sounds in Words Use a single underline under multiple letters for correct letter sounds blended together and give credit for each letter sound correspondence produced correctly. 2 4c o n e co…n…econe m o Correct Letter Sounds Scoring ProceduresStudent SaysWord /2 /4
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group 20 Practice Scoring Correct Letter Sounds and Words mo cone valo vuso go jepi bu fo dume sa /14 /16
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group 21 Practice Scoring Correct Letter Sounds and Words mo cone valo vuso go jepi bu fo dume sa /14 /
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group 22 Scoring Examples: Slash Incorrect Letter Sounds Partially Correct Words If a word is partially correct, underline the corresponding letters for letter sounds produced correctly. Put a slash ( / ) over the letter if the corresponding letter sound is incorrect. 3/4c o n ec…u…n…econe 1/2m om…amo Correct Letter Sounds Scoring ProceduresStudent SaysWord
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group 23 Practice Scoring Partially Correct Words mo cone valo vuso go jepi bu fo dume sa /16 /14
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group 24 Practice Scoring Partially Correct Words mo cone valo vuso go jepi bu fo dume sa /16 /
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group 25 Scoring Examples: Repeated Sounds Letter sounds said more than once while sounding out the word are given credit only once. 2 4c o n e co…n…econe m o Correct Letter Sounds Scoring ProceduresStudent SaysWord /2 /4
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group 26 Scoring Examples: Leave Blank Insertions Insertions are not scored as incorrect. 4/4c o n ec…o…n…escone 2/2m om…o…lmo Correct Letter Sounds Scoring ProceduresStudent SaysWord
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group 27 3-Second Rule: Sound-by-Sound If the student is saying individual letter sounds and hesitates for 3 seconds on a letter sound, score the letter sound incorrect. Say the correct letter sound, and, if necessary, point to the next letter, and say “¿Qué sonido?” Correct Letter Sounds Scoring ProceduresStudent SaysWord 3/4c o n ec…o…n…cone 1/2m o m… mo
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group 28 Practice Scoring Prompting Sound By Sound mo cone valo vuso go jepi bu fo dume sa
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group 29 Practice Scoring Prompting Sound By Sound mo cone valo vuso go jepi bu fo dume sa /16 /
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group 30 3-Second Prompting Rule: Word-by-Word If the student is reading words and hesitates for 3 seconds on a word, score the word incorrect. Say the correct word and, if necessary, point to the next word, and say, “¿Qué palabra?” This prompt can be repeated.
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group 31 Practice Scoring Prompting Word by Word mo cone valo vuso go jepi bu fo dume sa /16 /14
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group 32 Practice Scoring Prompting Word by Word mo cone valo vuso go jepi bu fo dume sa /16 /
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group 33 Note: Sound Order – Sound by Sound Letter sounds produced in isolation but out of order are scored as correct IF the student is pointing correctly (gives credit for knowledge of individual letter sound correspondences). 4/4c o n eo…c…n…econe 2/2m oo…mmo Correct Letter Sounds Scoring ProceduresStudent SaysWord
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group 34 Note Sound Order – Word by Word Blended letter sounds must be correct and in the correct place (beginning, middle, end) to receive credit. Give credit for the correct letter sound only. 0 c o n e oncecone m o ommo Correct Letter Sounds Scoring ProceduresStudent SaysWord /2 /4 1
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group 35 Practice Scoring Sound Order mo cone valo vuso go jepi bu fo dume sa /16 /14
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group 36 Practice Scoring Sound Order mo cone valo vuso go jepi bu fo dume sa /16 /1410
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group 37 Note Articulation and Dialect The student is not penalized for imperfect pronunciation due to dialect, articulation, or second language interference. Example: A student who regularly substitutes /l/ for /r/, says “le” for “re.” WordStudent Says Scoring Procedures Correct Letter Sounds relere2 /2 rumelumerume4 /4
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group 38 Note Self Correct If a student makes an error and corrects him/herself within 3 seconds, write “ac” (auto- corrige) above the letter sound or word and count it as correct.
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group 39 Note Skips Row If a student skips an entire row, draw a line through the row and do not count the row in scoring.
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group 40 Final Score Add number of correct letter sounds for each line up to bracket. Total number of correct letter sounds and write it in space provided ]
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group 41 Benchmark assessment: Transfer number of correct letter sounds to front of benchmark scoring booklet. Final Score 270
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group 42 Accommodations for FPS Specific to FPS –Enlarged print/colored overlays –Braille –Marker/ruler to keep place
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group 43 FPS Practice #1
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group 44 FPS Practice #
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group 45 FPS Practice #2
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group 46 FPS Practice #2 ac
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group 47 FPS Practice Activity Instructions for Completing the Activity: 1. Form a three-person group. You will take turns administering FPS to a child in the winter of First Grade. 2. There will be 3 rounds to the activity where your role will change with each round. The roles are:
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group 48 Examiner: Follow the script on the page titled “Examiner.” Administer NWF to the “student”. Practice timing and scoring. Place a bracket and stop at the end of 1 minute. Score the student’s responses.
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group 49 Student: Follow the script for your round on the page titled, “Student”. You will pretend to be a student and provide the written scripted responses. Pace the task and perform as a child in first grade.
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group 50 Observer: Use the FPS Assessment Integrity checklist on the page titled “Observer”. Time along with the examiner. Observe the examiner and provide feedback on the accuracy of administration, scoring, and timing. Palabras Completas le � das (NPC): _____ StudentC ju rupi ri mume lude __/16 bu piju lica dule fu __/16 mavu ze guro reni na __/16 Total: _____ N � mero de Palabras Completas le � das (NPC): _____
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group 51 IDEL FPS Assessment Integrity Checklist
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group 52 After completing each round, discuss as a group how the administration went. Answer the following questions for the round in which you are the examiner: -What was easy? -What was difficult? -What do you need to practice? -How were the skills of the child you assessed? (Estimated: established =>70; emerging 50-69; deficit <50) -What instructional recommendations do you have for the student you assessed?
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group 53 FPS Practice Activity Debrief –Administration and Scoring What was easy? What was hard? What do you need to practice? –Student skills and implications for support Describe skills of students A, B, and C What are 3 things you can try for a student with need for intensive intervention?
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group 54 Analyzing the Observation for Instructional Implications Student A –Knows most letter sounds and blends in words –Focus on building word reading fluency Student B –Knows most consonant sounds; does not blend –Strategic support focused on vowel sounds and blending. –Point out differences in pronunciation between English and Spanish Student C –Does not know letter sounds –Intensive support focused on letter-sound correspondence