Visual 3.1 DISASTER MEDICAL OPERATIONS 1. Why it is important? 2. Identify the “killers.” 3. Apply techniques for opening airways, controlling bleeding, and treating for shock. 4. Conduct triage under simulated disaster conditions.
Visual 3.2 Treatment of Life-Threatening Conditions The “Killers”: Airway obstruction Excessive bleeding Shock
Visual 3.3 Respiratory System Components of a respiratory system: Lung Bronchus Larynx Pharynx Nasal Air Passage Trachea -Practice Exercise
Visual 3.4 Controlling Bleeding Types: Arterial Venous Capillary Methods of control: Direct pressure Elevation Pressure points -Practice Exercise
Visual 3.5 Treating Shock Signs: Rapid and shallow breathing. Capillary refill of greater than 2 seconds. Failure to follow simple commands, such as “Squeeze my hand”. Treatment: Lay supine. Elevate feet. Control bleeding. Maintain body Temp. -Practice Exercise.
Visual 3.6 Triage “To Sort” - French Term Victims are quickly evaluated, sorted by the urgency of the treatment needed, and set up for immediate or delayed treatment. Used when there are more victims than rescuers. Limited resources available Time is critical. Immediate (I), Delayed (D), Dead (DEAD).
Visual 3.7 START Triage
Visual 3.8 START Triage Tag »Sample Tag »One tag per victim
Visual 3.9 Triage Pitfalls No team plan, organization, or goal Indecisive leadership Too much focus on one injury Treatment (rather than triage) performed -Triage Exercise.