CAPA- The Choice and Partnership Approach: The 11 key components Steve Kingsbury and Ann York
The 11 Key Components of CAPA What are they?
11 Key Components of CAPA 2 Foundation items 3 Choice items 2 Choice to Partnership transfer items 2 Partnership items 2 Letting Go items
11 Components & CAPA steps Divide the components up functional areas: Choice The transfer Clinical roles Increase throughput The team
11 Components of CAPA
Choice components The first contact with our service Needs…
The service has changed the language and no longer refers to assessment, treatment or triage appointments but either describes it to the family as Choice and Partnership or another local name and when considering clinical skills refers to a clinical competency not a particular discipline.
making sure that the referrals are appropriate i.e. using eligibility criteria such as referrer seeing child and any appropriate community intervention has happened first, families can chose an initial Choice appointment when their referral is accepted i.e. full-booking and there is also a key focus on not allowing a waiting list to develop by flexing initial Choice capacity.
Curiosity Honest Opinion Joint Formulation Alternatives Choice Point Engagement
The Choice – Partnership transfer Choosing the right Partnership clinician needs
Booking the young person and family into a vacant initial Partnership appointment at the Choice appointment 1. Needs a Partnership Diary 2. Can be with more than one clinician if required 3. Requires team job planning (see later) 4. Defined Core work….
Using care plan and goals to select a clinician with the right extended core skills 1. Joint formulation made with family 2. Range of clinicians with extended clinical skills 3. Partnership Diary 4. Within 6 weeks, aim for 4 weeks
Partnership All the interventions of the team both core and specific. This needs…
1. Idea of extending clinical skills to support specific skills 2. E.g. many team members doing core threshold level work in family therapy or CBT plus specialists in CBT or systemic work 3. Majority of clinical work 4. Team job planning…
Each member of staff has an individual job plan that Describes their week Includes choice, partnership, admin, specific, team meeting time etc Produces activity targets for Core Partnership Specific Partnership Integrated into a team plan BUT needs of team inform individuals plan as well as individual developmental and professional needs
Letting go of families – throughput Keeping a focus and working effectively requires…
Choice point is where goals are formed Can use the CORC goal based outcomes measure Homework / engagement Trying to make the young person and family active agents in their own change Care plan evolves in partnership Choice in every session so evolves Should be written Outcome measures Commitment to client relevant outcome
Meeting on a weekly basis to Discuss on going work Keep a focus on the care plan and goals Help colleagues and self get un-stuck Small multi-skill groups In team meeting or Attached to Partnership clinics Can be formed Randomly + challenge – no continuity Stable + continuity and trust – can become unchallenging
Team Components And finally to make it all work you absolutely need…
There is a clear working group (involving regular meetings etc) consisting of an informed and helpful manager either a clinical leader or a clinician empowered to lead on CAPA and an admin lead
Going somewhere away At least four times a year Owned by staff Range of topics and process GAINS Team cohesion, cultural change, process ownership, learning culture, service development…