Language Learning Network Ignacio Duran. Language Learner Phase 1: Create your own textbook online You write your dialog in your language and post it.


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Presentation transcript:

Language Learning Network Ignacio Duran

Language Learner Phase 1: Create your own textbook online You write your dialog in your language and post it with a click. Original

Language Learner Language Helper Translation of your original text Your text is translated by a native speaker of your target language (your Language Helper), checked by a Language Expert and posted for you to study. Language Expert Original Target Language

Grammatical Points Language Expert 2 Language Helper 1 Dialog in Target Language Selected grammatical points are explained and illustrated with sample sentences by other Language Helpers and checked by Language Experts. Standard exercises are created for drilling and consolidating learned matters. Link here to grammar point xxxx on grammar data base with explanations by Language Expert 2 Link here to grammar point xxxx on grammar data base with explanations by Language Helper 1 and checked by Language Expert 2

Dialog in Target Language Vocabulary and other exercises Language Helper 2 Language Helper 3 Language Helper 4 word xxxx explained here by a sample sentence written wiki-style by Language Helper 2 word xxxx explained here by a sample sentence written wiki-style by Language Helper 3 word xxxx explained here by a sample sentence written wiki-style by Language Helper 4 Specific vocabulary points are explained and used to create standard exercises of word matching, cloze passages, games, etc..

Sound Dialog in Target Language Sound File Language Helper 3 Multimedia Expert Recording the dialog Editing the dialog Language Helper 2 Final target language dialog is recorded by Language Helpers 2 and 3, and edited and posted by a Multimedia Expert. Clicking on the small blue squares reproduces the audio of single sentences. Clicking the main sound button reproduces the whole dialog.

Images Dialog in Target Language Photos of and by the Language Learner and others are incorporated into the layout. Language Learner Language Helper 4

Phase 2: Face-to-Face Interaction Language Learners have become experts of their own lessons and now meet face-to-face and present their lessons to each other, taking on the role of “teachers”. A Language Expert is present to clarify difficult points and answer questions. Language Learners can then review the new lessons online. Language Expert Language Learners

Phase 3: Travel and Cultural Exchange You have learned your target language, e.g., Italian, online and through face-to-face encounters. Now you go to Italy and attend as a Language Expert the face-to-face encounters of Italians who are learning English. After that session you all go out to have drinks or dinner and speak in Italian. They help you in your stay in Italy. You help them learn, they help you learn and more. Language Expert Language Learners You

The End.