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Presentation transcript:

IV. THE DISCIPLES’ PREPARATION BY THE SON OF GOD (13:1 – 16:33) A. THE DISCOURSE IN THE UPPER ROOM (Jn 13:1 – 14:31) 5. The Promise of Residence (14:1-3) 6. The Way to the Father (14:4-6) 7. The Oneness with the Father (14:7-11) 8. The Performance of Greater Works (14:12-15)

9. The Sending of the Holy Spirit (14:16-17) (14:16-17) a. The Divine Helper (v.16) b. The Spirit of Truth (v. 17) An Introduction  The second half of chapter 14 includes Jesus’ teaching on the resources of discipleship. ~ He would not only be with them, He would actually indwell them.

a. The Divine Helper (v.16)  Read Jn 14:16.  In relating this verse to the previous verses of this chapter, I see two reasons.  First, the Holy Spirit is being given to soothe the grief and encourage the hearts of His disciples. ~ He will be with them not just in Spirit but by His Spirit.

~ The promises of Christ are as real and necessary for us today as they were for that first small group of followers.  Secondly, He promises, through the Holy Spirit, that He will enable them to do His works and even “greater works” and to “keep [His] commandments”. ~ His promised resources would be essential not just for spiritual survival but more importantly for spiritual victory.

 “I will ask the Father…”  In this passage the Holy Spirit is given by the Father in answer to the Son’s asking.  “… and He will give you another Helper…”  Various translations use different words for the Holy Spirit (paraklētos). ~ The Greek word denotes the Him as the Helper who is always there to give special care and enabling in times of need.

~ But the Holy Spirit is more than a Helper: He is also Comforter or Consoler; Counselor and therefore and an Encourager; an Advocate (1Jn 2:1); a Teacher (Jn 14:26); a Guide (Jn 16:13). ~ Among the resources that the Holy Spirit brings to our lives are: (1) an awareness of God’s love; (2) a sense of guidance and purpose in life;

(3) the power to obey Jesus; (4) the realization that we are united in relationship with God; and (5) a recognition and understanding of truth.  This passage also clearly shows that the Holy Spirit is not merely a power but a Person, just like the Father and the Son. ~ He is the Son’s “Representative,” even as the Son was the Father’s “Representative.”

~ The word “another” means “another of the same kind”. ~ So “another Helper” means “another counselor of the same kind as the first,” indicating one like myself, who will take my place, do my work. ~ Moreover, Christ’s special work was to save us. ~ The Holy Spirit’s special work is to make us share not only in Christ Himself, but in all His blessings.

 So, if Jesus is a person, then the Holy Spirit must also be a Person. ~ That is why personal attributes are ascribed to Him in many places in Scripture. ~ His relationship to the Father and the Son is described in such a way that if they are persons, then He too must be a person.

 For the same reason, if Jesus is God, then the Holy Spirit, too, must be God. ~ That is why, divine names are also given to Him (Acts 5:3-4); divine attributes are ascribed to Him (1Cor 2:10; 12:4-6; Heb 9:14); and divine works are attributed to Him (Matt 12:18; Lk 4:18; 1Cor 12:2-11; 2Thes 2:13; 1Pet 1:12).

~ Passages like Matt 28:19 and 2Cor 13:14 clearly reveal that the three Persons are completely equal, all sharing one and the same divine essence. ~ This is also tells us that the Holy Spirit must be given due reverence and worship, and that He is Someone we can commune with in prayer, worthy to be acknowledged for His indwelling presence and gracious work in our lives.

 Therefore, Jn 14:16 implies that instead of becoming poorer, the disciples are actually going to become richer! ~ The first Helper, though physically absent, will remain a Helper: He will be their Helper in heaven. ~ The Other, on the other hand, will be their Helper on earth. ~ The first pleads their case with God; the second pleads God’s case with them.

 Furthermore, this second Helper, having once arrived (at Pentecost), will never depart from the church in any sense whatsoever. ~ “… that He may be with you forever.”