AN-NAJAH NATIONAL UNIVERSITY Faculty of Engineering Civil Engineering Department Graduation Project Local Productivity Rates For Formwork , Concrete and Waterproofing in structure elements Prepared By : Mohammad Rabay’a Mohammad Ghidan Omar Shaheen Supervisor : Eng.Lu’ay Dawikat
Contents Productivity definition and importance. Factors affecting productivity unsafe working conditions Ways of productivity improvement Productivity measurement. Implementation work . Data collection and analysis Conclusion and recommendations
“Productivity isn’t everything but in the long run it is almost everything” Paul Krugman
Productivity Definition "Productivity is the quantitative relationship between what we produce and the resources we use” (Currie (1972)). In engineering it can be defined as the average direct labor hours to install a unit of material or Output per unit of time. For construction managers, the output can be construction tasks such as cubic meters of concrete, square meters of some surface, tons of steel or linear meters of weld.
Why Is Productivity Important ? Productivity is a critical matter for managers especially in the big projects, to estimate : The duration required to perform the work. Size of human recourses that the project requires . Labor cost also indirect cost such as Insurance.
General factors affecting productivity: Skilled Labor Availability. Lack of proper tools and equipment. Overstaffing
General factors affecting productivity(cont.): Weather
General factors affecting productivity(cont.): Life-Cycle Construction Process. Material shortage at project site . Change order by consultants. Availability of good communication. Using new method of construction and available alternatives that improve productivity
Unsafe Work Conditions Impact on Productivity rates. When using safety strategies ,there was a 66% increase in productivity. halving safety risk is associated with a 12% improvement in productivity.
Improvement of productivity productivity improvement is needed and set as an ultimate goal; because the money is wasted every day as a result of lack of knowledge in productivity improvement. Two points should be taken in consideration : determining the best way to perform the job. measuring the time to achieve this job using the best way.
Ways of Productivity Improvement : Job site planning. Labor managements, conditions and relation. Increase effectiveness and productivity of employees by Training and Motivation. Motivation : the motivation can be defined increase the thing satisfy workers about a job
Factors affecting motivation : Method of payment to the workers. Planning. Reward. Desire of work. Ownerships.
Productivity Measurement Measurement cannot be achieved without site information. Our approach in this project is to collect daily outputs for 3 months . Two approaches of productivity measurement: Total factor productivity (TFP): where all inputs and outputs are considered. Partial factor productivity : where a single production factor is taken into consideration. The data to be observed and registered will be used to calculate the Partial Productivity rate .
Total factor productivity (TFP) where Q = quantity of all output tangible and intangible. L = quantity of labor input. K = value of invested assets. E = use of construction equipment. a, b & c are weighting factors.
Partial productivity Labor productivity has consequently been widely used by contractors.
Work Methodology
Conclusion and recommendations Get analysis result and tabulate it Implemented Methodology : Collect random samples for each item(30 samples for each item) Convert crew size for each item into the ideal crew size Perform analysis procedure on data collected using Minitab and SPSS programs Conclusion and recommendations Get analysis result and tabulate it Figure 14.3 23
Method of construction: The calculation of the productivity rates was based on the Traditional timber formwork method. The formwork is built on site out of timber and it is: 1- easy to produce but time-consuming for larger structures . 2-It is still used extensively where the labor costs are lower than the costs for procuring re-usable formwork . 3-It is also the most flexible type of formwork .
Concrete: The data collected conclude pump, ready mix Lorries and labor productivity rates. Waterproofing: The data collected conclude surface preparation, cleaning, and water proofing application.
Data collection: Our measuring have been based on statistical sampling theory, observation, collect a samples by field observations and questioner , analyze it and build a confidence limit around it. in order to examine the effect of the factor affecting productivity ,the high temperatures and over crowding situation have been avoided .
There was 30 observation collected on each item. To have representative results, the data collected gathered from 6 different cities of west bank (Ramallah. Tulkarm, Jenin, Qalqilya, Jerico, and Nablus). Collection sheet including data about: 1-quantity performed for each reading . 2-corresponding duration (in hours).
The following table shows an example of data collected for isolating footing formwork:
Data collection constrains : Collection process requires staying at the site from start to end of the working day. crew changing for the same item from day to another or in the same day. convincing site managers and the responsible people at the site about the importance of this data after analyzing it . The output of some of the activities couldn't be daily collected(e.g. slaps formwork), and others ends in a few hours of the work day(e.g. some concrete works some times)
Data analysis: The analysis process has been done on Minitab and SPSS programs in order evaluate the statistical mean of each structural element(e.g. concrete works for footings ) .
To get more accurate value of the mean, the outlier values will be eliminated .As in the following picture
Results : Formwork :- Activity ID Activity Name Crew Size Daily Output Unit Formwork :- 1.1 Isolated Footing 1 Carp. ; 1 helper 13 m² 1.2 Combined Footing 1.3 Strip Footing 19 1.4 Raft Footing 39 1.5 Column Neck 7 1.6 Tie Beams 24 1.7 Slab on grade 22 1.8 Rectangular Column 25 1.9 Circular Column 1.10 Stairs 8 1.11 Slab 51 1.12 Shear Walls
Concrete works :- Activity ID Activity Name Crew Size Daily Output Unit Concrete works :- 2.1 All Footing 4 workers 132 m³ 2.2 Raft Footing 112 2.3 Column Neck 9 2.4 Tie Beams 67 2.5 Slab on grade 47 2.6 Columns 46 2.7 Stairs 52 2.8 Slab 119 2.9 Shear Walls 135
Water Proofing works :- Activity ID Activity Name Crew Size Daily Output Unit Water Proofing works :- 3.1 Footing liquid applied waterproofing system 2 workers 54 m² 3.2 Tie Beams liquid applied waterproofing system 64 3.3 Shear Walls liquid applied waterproofing system 76 3.4 Wet Area liquid applied waterproofing system 10 3.5 Roofing liquid applied waterproofing 81 Roofing Bituminous sheet membrance water proofing system 47
Conclusion : Productivity rate is very important in estimating cost and duration for construction projects, and any labor productivity loss would affect the whole project in time and cost . To prevent productivity loss ,factors that affect productivity mentioned earlier rates should be examine as possible.
Recommendation: Keep on training and motivating the workers. Do not move the worker between work items unless the item is finished. Don't work in hot and cold temperatures , the best temperature to do the works is 21°c . Always hire labor with experiences . Workers who are in safe and comfort conditions can feel more secure when they do their duties .
Thank You