Surveying Investigative Transportable Cartographical Helper? Sitchest Ish That Chu Heard? “…we’re going to retrofit it.”
Receiving ProcessingSensoryTransmitting Motors Data Storage TransmitReceive Transmit Receive ROBOT BOOSTER USER High-level Functional Diagram
High Level Control: Commanding and Processing Movement and Environment
CPU software Distance/ angle Image processing Mapping Database High-Level Software Design
ARM Cortex M-3 Object Camera and Laser Spy Camera BRAIN Magnetometer Ultrasonic Sensors
SPINE ARM M-0 Motor Controller User Motors Remote Control Analog Preprocessing Circuit Servo Motor Transmitter Receiver TV Receiver Spy Camera
Ultrasonic Range Finder Finds objects that may have been missed by the laser. Allows basic object avoidance while the rover is in motion. Model: LV-MaxSonar-EZ0 Status: Basic testing with Arduino-uno completed – developing interface for M0
Cortex M-3 Handles image processing and location awareness. Sends position data to lower level motor control loops. Status: Developing camera interface.
CMOS Camera CMOS SchematicEAGLE
Laser Range Finder Theory Remember me? This worked.
This Was Put Together
Calibration Data
Quite Grainy, Similar to how the CMOS camera will see images CMOS won’t have as many random colors Took Pictures
Applied a Sharpening Function Quite grainy But the spot is brighter
After a Threshold Filter 21 Inches measured 56.97cm calculated inches 6% error
A Few Examples cm
After cm Calculated -1.15% error
Tried to Expand to Line Laser Not very bright Used water Different laser on its way
Room For Improvement A line is visible Not mapped to angles Lost data 3 pts to 1 Great progress High level goal we have other options
Path Finding To be implemented after scanning and image processing. Initially, perform rudimentary scan and move aimlessly between obstacles. Ultimately, be able to negotiate past objects to reach a waypoint. This waypoint may be provided with vector data from stored encoder/magnetometer data. Status: In development.
Low Level Control: Providing Fine Motor Control and Dead Reckoning
RC Receiver Waveforms Zero point: Duty Cycle is 8% Minimum point: Duty Cycle is 5% Maximum point: Duty Cycle is 11%
Wireless Decoding Receiver’s output must be digitized and encoded using the correct modulation ADC will be used to measure the output of signal averager and output the corresponding modulation to the motor controllers
Schematic of the Signal Average Circuit
ARM Cortex M-0 Separate chip chosen to diversify processing abilities. Simple motor control option. Designed to handle control loops. Hope to guarantee high responsiveness of all sensors, computer and control systems. Specific Model: LPC1114FHN33/302 Status: Initial development.
Distance Encoder Basic device for measuring distance travelled. Use paired IR LED/phototransistor and ADC to measure pinwheel rotation. Status: Hardware complete.
Distance Encoder Schematic
Motor Controller Current design based on 2 banks of 4 redundant L298N with opto-isolation. Each chip handles 4 amps with 2 parallel H- bridges. 32 amp total current handling. If revised, it will be printed on PCB and based instead on H-bridge gate drivers and power MOSFETs. Status: Fully functioning, but not ideal.
Motor Controller Schematic
Magnetometer Digital 3-axis magnetometer. Measures strength of magnetic field in various directions with a highest field measurement resolution of µT Precise angular position determined through inverse tangent algorithm. Communicates through I 2 C. Accurately determines location and orientation. Status: Developing interface.
Magnetometer – Finer Details Model No: LSM303DLH Breakout board from SparkFun
Power: Energizing Diverse Systems
Devices to Power on the Robot Motor Controllers Radio Receivers and Video Transmitters Servo Motor (at least one) Processors Laser Cameras Magnetometer Ultrasonic Range Finder
Powering The Robot Powered directly by a 7.4 V (2 cell) Lithium Polymer Battery 1 st Choice mAh, 70C 2 nd Choice mAh, 40C 3 rd Choice – 2x 6000mAh, 30C
Powering Bot Movement 7.4V, XXX mAh, xxC 2 cell LiPo Driver Motor Controllers Motors
5V Voltage Rail Will be realized with a LM7805 voltage regulator chip. Can supply up to 1.5 A of current Status: Testing and laying out in Altium
3.3V Voltage Rail Will be realized with a LM317 voltage regulator chip Can supply up to 1.5 A of current Status: Testing and laying out in Altium
3.3V Voltage Rail Schematic
MC34063A Chip – Boost Mode
Hi-Level Powering Diagram for Sensors 3.3V Voltage Rail Step-up Voltage Converter (12V) Batteries 5 V Voltage Rail CMOS Camera Magnetometer Video Transmitter ARM M-0 Cortex M-3 Ultrasonic RC Receiver Laser
Power Consumption
Servo Motor Unable to find datasheet Tested using Arduino Uno, collected experimental data Ready for integration with M0 Duty Cycle (%)Angular Position (degrees) Servo PWM Signal Input Vpp=~3.3V, f = 50Hz
Switching Microprocessors C2000 Piccolo F28035 ARM Cortex-M0 Cryptic sample code Unhelpful documentation Steep Learning Curve More intuitive Useful sample code Existing knowledge
Progress with ARM Cortex-M0 Currently Sweeping PWM Working ADC test function Goals Write functions to increase user control Communicate with other modules
Video Camera Transmit video feed From Amazon, lacks documentation Status: Transmitter + Receiver work – now we need to interface power supply and camera
PCB Plan to lay out a board containing voltage rails and the boost converter In the future include an ARM Cortex M0. Finalizing first draft of this PCB before the end of this week
Planning: What the future holds
Design Goals ModuleLowMediumHigh Power-Buy Chips -Etch PCB -Buy Controllers -Design Converters -Design all Sensing-Stereoscopic-Single Laser and Camera -Line laser Image Processing -Stereoscopic-Distance and angle from single laser-From line laser Board Layout-Etch analog control circuit -Print control circuit-2 processors 1 board Motors-Elbow grease-Servo Motor moving sensor -Moving 2 dimensions µproccessing-RC Analog-ARM or FPGA-2 ARM processors Booster-None-Increase operating range -Multiple boosters Collision Sensing -None-Ultrasonic-None
Milestones and Expo Milestone 1: RC control Motor drivers Magnetometer Milestone 2: Laser range finding tower Ultrasonic Expo: Path finding
Current Development Finalize first revision of PCB Start constructing the mounts for the laser range finder and motor drivers Integrate motor drivers with the M-0 control and batteries