Task WA-01 GEO Work Plan Symposium 2014 Managing and Sharing Data WA-01 R. Lawford and M. Schlummer based on contributions from D. Arctur, D. Maidment,


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Presentation transcript:

Task WA-01 GEO Work Plan Symposium 2014 Managing and Sharing Data WA-01 R. Lawford and M. Schlummer based on contributions from D. Arctur, D. Maidment, the AIP-6 team and GEOWOW partners

Task WA-01 Key 2014 Outputs - Managing and Sharing Data AIP 6 Water – GEOSS Water Services for Data and Maps GEOWOW – GEOSS Interoperability for Weather, Ocean and Water ► Water ML 2.0 – OGC/WMO Hydrology Domain Working Group

Task WA-01 Improvement of discovery and access to water resources data around the world Improvement of tools and processes for federating the regional and national picture of water data sources to a global system (GEOSS) Development of a Hydrology Profile for OGC SOS 2.0 specification (WaterML 2.0) and compliant server and client software for GCI integration (GEOWOW) Key 2014 Outputs - Managing and Sharing Data

Task WA-01 Water Data Maps: Global Stream Gauges Esri ArcGIS Online web map viewer 1.WMO GRDC (gauge descriptions only, no water data) 2.Kisters GRDC (WaterML 2 data for OGC Surface Water IE) 3.USGS NWIS (most have real-time data) 4.Mexico (some with historical data, hosted by Univ of Texas) 5.Dominican Republic (historical data hosted by BYU) 6.Italy & New Zealand (real-time data, developed for AIP-6) AIP 6 Water: GEOSS Water Services for Data and Maps

Task WA-01 Gauge description and data links… For quick overview For easy analysis WaterML for full details

Task WA-01 Recommended System Model for Water Data Sharing (CSW) Catalog of Data Providers’ gauge layers (WFS) Map of gauges (one layer per observed property) for one Data Provider (SOS) Data service for time series at one gauge Community Web Portal Discovery, Access and Visualization GEOSS

Task WA-01 Future Work: AIP-7 End-user focus Develop more application-oriented scenarios around flood, drought, and water quality monitoring and prediction. Technological focus Support discovery and access through GEOSS to additional water resource variables, such as stream depth, precipitation, water quality, soil moisture, evapotranspiration, total water storage. Promote international conventions for the specific data exchange requests (i.e., allowed parameters and values) between clients & data servers. Provide cloud-based data services to reduce equipment, software, and training needs for developing countries. Institutional focus Coordinate with IGWCO and WMO so this development work will become institutionalized by the appropriate international authoritative agencies. Work with developing countries to improve readiness to share national data

Task WA-01 GEOWOW - Water Development of a Hydrology Profile for OGC SOS 2.0 specification (WaterML 2.0) Preparation of compliant server and client software as new hydrological data services for GCI integration Use Case: Discover, access and visualize observed (GRDC) and predicted (ECMWF/TIGGE) river discharge data via SOS 2.0/WaterML 2.0 through the GCI

Task WA-01 Dowload with a SOS Choose a helper application to visualize time series

Task WA-01 Visualize time series, e. g. an observed hydrograph (GRDC) End User Scenario Add time series Visualize time series, e. g. an observed hydrograph

Task WA-01 End User Scenario Add time series Comparing and assessing observed (GRDC) and predicted time series (ECMWF)

Task WA-01 Cross-Task Activities (pls propose 2-3 activities along with practical actions)

Task WA-01 Evidence of the Use of Task-related Systems, Datasets, Information Products, and Services (by which communities? use statistics? role of users in implementation?) Policy Linkages (e.g. Conventions, Protocols, International Programmes) …

Task WA-01 Intervention needed from GEO Members and POs to Achieve 2015 Strategic Targets (pls make this actionable)

R. Lawford IGWCO lead and WA-01 task coordinator Thank you! M. Schlummer GEOWOW