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From T. MADHAVAN, M.Sc., M.L.I.S., M.Ed., M.Phil., P.G.D.C.A., Lecturer in Zoology.. EXIT Gene therapy is an novel idea of therapeutic device using the techniques of cloning and recombinant DNA technology. Gene therapy: Types Somatic cell gene therapy, Germ line cell gene therapy. Both may be employed for treating the inherited diseases.
From T. MADHAVAN, M.Sc., M.L.I.S., M.Ed., M.Phil., P.G.D.C.A., Lecturer in Zoology.. EXIT Somatic cell gene therapy The patient’s cells are taken from blood / bone morrow / skin and brain. - treated through the Genetic engineering techniques and - replaced to the patient. This type of treatment could care diseases caused by single gene mutation.
From T. MADHAVAN, M.Sc., M.L.I.S., M.Ed., M.Phil., P.G.D.C.A., Lecturer in Zoology.. EXIT Retroviruses are employed as carriers of the genes. Their genetic material, RNA is copied into DNA. To produce effective vectors certain essential genes are spliced out from the viruses. This will render the virus harmless and allow space for the therapeutic genes to be inserted. Somatic cell gene therapy
From T. MADHAVAN, M.Sc., M.L.I.S., M.Ed., M.Phil., P.G.D.C.A., Lecturer in Zoology.. EXIT Millions of copies of genes are required for somatic cell gene therapy. To carry them, the vectors should also be multiplied in equal numbers. Such enormous copies of virus and the vectors are made using helper virus. The integrated vector and the cloned gene is used somatic cell gene therapy. This somatic cell gene therapy has been successful in animals, so far. Somatic cell gene therapy
From T. MADHAVAN, M.Sc., M.L.I.S., M.Ed., M.Phil., P.G.D.C.A., Lecturer in Zoology.. EXIT Gene insertion
From T. MADHAVAN, M.Sc., M.L.I.S., M.Ed., M.Phil., P.G.D.C.A., Lecturer in Zoology.. EXIT Germ Line cell gene therapy This gene therapy is extended to germ line cells in order to prevent the genetic defects being inherited to children. DNA is injected into the nucei of single celled embryos of cows, mice and sheep. The DNA may get integrated into the chromosomes. The integrated DNA or the new genes can direct the synthesis of new proteins into animals which develop from these embryos.
From T. MADHAVAN, M.Sc., M.L.I.S., M.Ed., M.Phil., P.G.D.C.A., Lecturer in Zoology.. EXIT Germ Line cell gene therapy This Germ line therapy in human is feasible, at any time, since eggs, sperms and single celled embryos can be collected and stored by deep freezing using liquid nitrogen. In vitro fertilization also favour the above therapy. However, the therapy is still underway.
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