Rev SYBASE ASE: GRAPHICAL MONITOR Sybase Administration Tools available at: mailto:
The tools posted on the blog will require the same setup: 1.Sybase Client installed (for tools connecting to ASE server). 2.Administrative login user (for tools doing ASE administration). 3.A set of two or more.dll files supplied with the installation – performing licensing and environment operability checks. All the tools have been tested to run bug-free. Nonetheless, the tools are provided “as is.” Responsibility for running a tool lies with the user. Comments and bug reports are welcome. They will be addressed and rectified. Please send the comments either directly by mail or through the blog. As with any tool, it is recommended to start using it in the development environment before trying it on the Production Server. NOTE AND DISCLAIMER:
The tool is designed to enable quick, simple and fully customizable real-time monitoring of an ASE Server, without resorting to heavy-weight tools. The tool provides a simple helper to locate specific MDA based counter. The tool provides a simple API to feed it a customized query and inspect its continuous “real-time” output graphically. The tool allows up to 6 queries to be executed at a time, at different pulse period. The data collected during sampling may be either single column based (for graphs) or multiple column based (for raw data samples). The collected data may be exported (automatically or manually) to a.csv file. ASE GRAPHICAL MONITOR: QUICK INFO
To make the monitor operational, it must be fed an SQL Query. Open the SQL Query Feed pane by clicking on the tiny red triangle on the top of the application. Check “Use Custom SQL”, and in the “Custom SQL” field feed your query, For graphs, use queries that return one row. If the query returns more than one row, use “raw data” sampling (explained later). Test your query to see that it is correct. Click on the tiny red triangle again to hide the Query Feed pane. GRAPHICAL MONITOR: QUERY SETUP
When the graph-oriented query is ready, expand one of the six panes (divided by 5 splitters that may be resized as needed). Choose the number of seconds between checks, graph type and color, whether to report absolute number or value delta over time, whether to save [export] data automatically &c. It is possible to see query details behind the graph (“show sql” loads it back to the Query Feed pane) or update it. When ready, click “Run”. The control panel for the graph configuration may be minimized now (red triangle). GRAPHICAL MONITOR: EXECUTION
When the raw-data-oriented query is ready, expand one of the six panes (divided by 5 splitters that may be resized as needed). Choose the number of seconds between checks, check the “Get Raw” option and whether to save [export] data automatically and with which delimiter. It is possible to see query details behind the graph (“show sql” loads it back to the Query Feed pane) or update it. When ready, click “Run”. The control panel for the raw data configuration may be minimized now (red triangle). GRAPHICAL MONITOR: EXECUTION
When running all the 6 samples the tool will look like this: GRAPHICAL MONITOR: ULTIMATE VIEW
The tool is being reworked from time to time to address changes in the ASE and align it better with ASE administrators needs. In order to make the software better and more convenient your feedback is encouraged. Feedback and bug reports may be made either directly to or posted as comments to the tool page published on the blog. The blog is available at More tools are available there, as well as general comments on Sybase ASE, RS (and in future IQ) products. You are welcome to post your own ideas there which may be later transformed into customized tools and posted there for download. GRAPHICAL MONITOR: FEEDBACKS