John Gallagher Manager, Data Acquisition and Management State Government of Victoria SSI Victorial Summit 2008 Wednesday 17 September 2008 Notification and Editing Service (NES): Update
Presentation Outline Driver – errors in Vicmap; CSDL Vision NES Components and Roles; NES Plan; Release 1; Work Flow Example; Release 2; Some things still to do.
Ad Hoc Reporting of Errors in Vicmap Vicmap users sometimes report ‘errors’ expecting them to be fixed; The Vicmap Custodial officers receive and assess the reports; Forward to business custodian (e.g. Local Government); Business custodian rectifies Vicmap within the established edit system;
NOT QUITE Once the custodian responds it could take 20 days to 2 months to finalise in Vicmap; The original error reporter has no idea if their ‘error’ has been fixed; Only one ‘actor’ knows the status of a particular error report at any time.
DSE’s Corporate Spatial Data Library (CSDL) Vision Business custodians will edit their data in (CSDL) directly; Time from edit to availability of edit in CSDL will be less than 24 hours; General users can lodge notifications which will be passed directly to the business custodian; Majority of graphical edits will be made by business custodians; Contract maintainers of Vicmap become “graphic custodians” of the CSDL data.
Notification and Editing Service (NES) is a key to the Vision – 2006/2007 Non Custodial User Data CustodianUser Community Change Request Submit On line Edit Notify NES Commit CSDL Supply Delivery Interface Supply Delivery Interface
NES Components Portal Site Entryway to functionality of the system Easy Editor Notify custodian of required data changes Advanced Editor Create edits on a predefined dataset Rules Validation Data and logic rules for data edits Workflow Routing, Monitoring and Communication of Change Requests to appropriate Custodians and Maintainers Reporting System Administration
NES Roles Notifier – Registered person, usually a user of CSDL data, who can report errors in data via a Change Request. Custodian – Organisation responsible for the quality and completeness of a data element(s) in CSDL eg parcel – Land Registry. Creates work orders for editing or directly edits CSDL data. Maintainer – Organisation or person responsible for editing CSDL data eg Vicmap Property Custodial Officer (via Logica) for parcels. Administrator – DSE, responsible for user access, allocation of data permissions, workflow, validation rules and generally running the service.
NES Plan First (Pre) Release 28 th July 2008; Second (Final) Release 6 th October 2008; Introduce direct editing of non Vicmap data in CSDL November 2008; Reduce Vicmap update cycle from external maintainers from 10 days to 5 days by early 2009;
Pre - Release For Pre Release the only workflows implemented into the system are: Road change Parcel change Address change Planning change
Pre-Release 28/7/2008 (V1.1) Minimum number of participants to : test workflows test loads on service, complete unit testing of Advanced Editor, test system management and reporting tools, development of comprehensive training documentation development of data rules base.
A Workflow Example – Road Name Change
Workflow Example – Change a Road Name Notifier Easy Editor
Notifier makes change request
Workflow Example – Change a Road Name Notifier Easy Editor Dashboard Custodian - LGA SUBMITTED
Custodian (Local Govt) reviews change
Workflow Example – Change a Road Name Notifier Easy Editor Dashboard Custodian - LGA SUBMITTED Advanced Editor UNDER REVIEW MORE INFORMATION REQUIRED DECLINED Notification
Custodian (Local Govt) makes change
Workflow Example – Change a Road Name Notifier Easy Editor Dashboard Custodian - LGA SUBMITTED Advanced Editor UNDER REVIEW MORE INFORMATION REQUIRED Add Attachment Custodian - GeoNames REFERRED DECLINED Notification
Custodian (Local Govt) refers change
Workflow Example – Change a Road Name Notifier Easy Editor Dashboard Custodian - LGA SUBMITTED Advanced Editor UNDER REVIEW MORE INFORMATION REQUIRED Add Attachment RECHECK Create Work Order Maintainer - SII VERIFIED Custodian - GeoNames REFERRED DECLINED Notification
Geographic Names Registrar Verifies change
Workflow Example – Change a Road Name Notifier Easy Editor Dashboard Custodian - LGA SUBMITTED Advanced Editor UNDER REVIEW MORE INFORMATION REQUIRED Add Attachment RECHECK Maintainer Address Maintainer - Roads SEND TO ADDRESS MAINTAINER SEND TO ROAD & ADDRESS MAINTAINER Create Work Order Maintainer - SII VERIFIED Custodian - GeoNames REFERRED SEND TO ROAD MAINTAINER DECLINED Notification
DSE Transport Custodian sends change to Maintainer
Workflow Example – Change a Road Name Notifier Easy Editor Dashboard Custodian - LGA SUBMITTED Advanced Editor UNDER REVIEW MORE INFORMATION REQUIRED Add Attachment RECHECK Maintainer Address Maintainer - Roads SEND TO ADDRESS MAINTAINER SEND TO ROAD & ADDRESS MAINTAINER PARTIALLY LOADED Create Work Order Maintainer - SII VERIFIED Custodian - GeoNames REFERRED CHANGE ACCEPTED PARTIALLY LOADED SEND TO ROAD MAINTAINER DECLINED Notification
Road Maintainer accepts change
Notifier’s Dashboard – Change Accepted
History of CR 461
Workflow Example – Change a Road Name Notifier Easy Editor Dashboard Custodian - LGA SUBMITTED Advanced Editor UNDER REVIEW MORE INFORMATION REQUIRED Add Attachment RECHECK Maintainer Address Maintainer - Roads SEND TO ADDRESS MAINTAINER SEND TO ROAD & ADDRESS MAINTAINER PARTIALLY LOADED Create Work Order Maintainer - SII VERIFIED Custodian - GeoNames REFERRED CHANGE ACCEPTED PARTIALLY LOADED SEND TO ROAD MAINTAINER DECLINED Notification
Full Release 10/10/2008 (V1.2) Full functionality including: additional admin tools to “point” NES at other data sets in CSDL – further workflows; direct edit via OGC client; full data validation; production of standard edit documents; standard and configurable reporting; implementation of full training and roll out to identified custodians. Notifiers will be able to self register, although wide advertising to the public will be considered after work loads on custodians are assessed
Some Things Still to do NES Version(s) 2,….. Custodianship Program roll out; Shorten update cycles from external maintainers; NES impact assessment on Land Admin themes contract renewal; Migrate external Vicmap edit models back in house and direct editing of Vicmap via NES.
John Gallagher Manager, Data Acquisition and Management State Government of Victoria SSI Victorial Summit 2008 Wednesday 17 September 2008 Notification and Editing Service (NES): Update thank you