F6-Preparing for forensic Duplication Dr. John P. Abraham Professor UTPA
Tools Your toolkit need to have every type of computer hardware interface going back many years. Hard drives such as IDE, SCSI, firewire, raid, cds, dvds, floppy drives, etc. and appropriate cables and terminators. Screwdrivers, flashlight, drill, jumpers, cable ties, power cords for internal and external, Digital camera. Take plenty of pictures, before and after. Chain of custody forms, evidence labels, permanent markers, evidence envelopes, evidence tape, anti-static bags, evidence hard drives, boot floppies/cd roms, blank cds, dvds, floppies, hub, switch, network cable, power strip, operating system installation media.
Document, Document, Document Evidence worksheets System worksheets Agent notes Evidence labels Chain of custody forms Evidence custodian logs Evidence access logs Each piece of hardware must be documented with make model, serial number, evidence tag number, geometry capacity and jumper settings, expansion cards present, peripheral connections, physical location, etc. Keep notes on any relevant information such as conference calls, shipment tracking numbers, findings,
Label duplicated items Case number Evidence tag numbers Contents Acquired by Date Number of partitions, type of file system, etc.
Chain of custody Source individual Source location Destination individual Destination Location Transfer date Signatures –Final place is the evidence safe maintained by the evidence custodian. Evidence custodian keeps a log: –Date, name, case number, time in, time out