Merging Metadata Standards: FGDC CSDGM and ISO Sharon Shin Federal Geographic Data Committee Metadata Coordinator
Why Create Metadata Allows agencies to: Organize and maintain an organization's data investment Organize and maintain an organization's data investment Share data set information through data catalogs and clearinghouses Share data set information through data catalogs and clearinghouses Provide access for download or display and analysis through web services Provide access for download or display and analysis through web services
Why Create Metadata Allows users to: –Discover, –evaluate, and –access geodata resources.
Consensus Standards Organizations ISO provides general purpose standards and specifications as guidance to implementation American National Standards Institute INCITS L-1: ANSI’s geospatial standards body FGDC- US Geospatial Metadata Standards body- Established standards with concensus from fed, Tribal, state, and local govts, academic
Why Standards? Allows communication between peers Minimizes data integration time … costs Permits data operations under known conditions
FGDC Metadata Content Identification Data Quality Spatial Representation Spatial reference system Entities/AttributesDistribution Metadata Reference Temporal information
ISO Metadata ISO –UML abstract model –ANSI adoption 12/24/2003 –Based on content from various national metadata standards including FGDC ISO –XML model –Implementation Standard (ISO 19115) – –Community review- Spring/summer 2004 –Technical Specification designation Winter
Core ISO Metadata Dataset –Title –Reference Date –Responsible Party –Geographic location Bounding box OR Geographic indentifier –Language –Characterset –Topic Category –Scale –Abstract –Format Name Version –Extent Vertical Temporal –Representation Type –Reference System –Lineage –On-line Resource Metadata Reference Elements
ISO advantages over CSDGM Code Lists Citation Role Code (Responsible Party a repeatable field) Resource Provider CustodianOwnerDistributorOriginator Point of Contact Principal Investigator ProcessorPublisherAuthor
Metadata Hierarchies MD_Metadata –heirarchyLevel –MD_ScopeCode MD_ScopeCode –001 attribute –002 attributeType –005 dataset –006 series –007 nonGeographicDataset –009 feature –010 featureType –013 service –014 model
FGDC’s US Profile Activities US National Metadata Profile –Convene metadata experts FGDC CSDGM Biological Data Profile Shoreline Metadata Extension –Makes recommendations for extensions additions to ISO –US Profile development follows ISO adoption time line, coincident development.
Document Review ISO Metadata Standard (UML) FGDC-ISO Crosswalk – METADATA-CROSSWALK-V4.xls METADATA-CROSSWALK-V4.xls ISO Metadata Implementation Standard (XML) ISO Temporal Schema ISO Feature Catalog
FGDC-US Profile Activities “No Matches” in FGDC-ISO crosswalk –Extend existing content –Deprecate 1 FGDC element Distance and Bearing Distance and Bearing Biological Content –Taxonomy covered by ISO –Extend content General Taxonomic Description Shoreline extension review status: in process
No Match Example TimePeriod Beginning/Ending Dates Ex_Extent (Temporal Schema ISO 19108) …… …… TMPosition (data value) TMPosition (data value) Begin: TM_Position Begin: TM_Position End: TM_Position End: TM_Position
Extension Example Absissa and Ordinate Resolution MD_Dimension MD_VectorSpatial Representation Extend with VectorResolution with MD_Dimension, MD_Dimension, Max Occurance = 2 Max Occurance = 2 Value Value
What’s Next: ISO Currently –Public Review –Register at –Download “Winter ” ISO adoption.
What’s Next: Crosswalk- Conversion Tool Content aligned with ISO Stand alone application Free, download from
What’s Next: Metadata Profile Follow FGDC Standards Coordinator guidance for US National Profile review. Through collaboration with Canadian metadata develop content agreeable to both countries - arrive at North American Metadata Profile. Participation with Mexico’s metadata agencies under negotiation. If aggreement reached, US, Canada, Mexico North American Profile
What’s Next: FGDC Metadata Training Materials Develop FGDC CSDGM Version 3 workbook Develop FGDC CSDGM Version 3 workbook Develop base training materials and post to Develop base training materials and post to Provide implementation assistance / training. Provide implementation assistance / training.