Climate Change in the context of Sustainable Development Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning Provincial Government of the Western Cape Republic of South Africa Dipolelo Elford
Western Cape Context 5.3 Million citizens, 90% live in cities and towns Growing economy and lower unemployment rate than national average Home to two Biodiversity Hotspots – Cape Floristic Region and Succulent Karoo Western Cape is an important tourist destination. In 2002/03 foreign direct investment from tourism = >R550 million Bordered by >1000km of coastline Energy security – key economic concern
Sustainable Development Imperative Vision - A sustainable home for all – now and forever Sustainable Development Declaration Sustainable Development Implementation Plan - Will be achieved through implementing integrated governance systems that promote economic growth in a manner that contributes to greater social equity and that maintains the ongoing capacity of the natural environment to provide the ecological services upon which socio-economic development depends
Sustainable Development in the Province Challenge: Balancing economic growth and environmental integrity Western Cape Provincial Growth and Development Strategy (PGDS) recognises that growth must take place within a sustainable development framework The SDIP is one of several provincial strategies and plans that seeks to give expression to the Province’s vision of shared growth and integrated development.
Sustainable Development Challenges Economic Development Human Settlements Energy and Climate Change Water and Waste Biodiversity and Natural Resource Management Governance
6 Thematic Areas of SDIP Biodiversity and Natural Resources Energy and Climate Change Sustainable Human Settlements Sustainable Transport Waste Management Water Use and Management
Sustaible Development Strategic context International Obligations WSSD (JPoI, GD) Int. Conventions & Protocols Agenda 21 National Strategic Obj’s Social Economic Environmental W.Cape’s Strategic Obj’s iKapa Elihlumayo
Sustainable Development Strategic Context 1992: UN Conference on Environment and Development 2002: World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) 2002 Gauteng Declaration on the Role of Regional Governments in Sustainable Development Western Cape Growth and Development Framework iKapa elihlumayo Strategies Integrated Development Planning 2007: Western Cape Sustainable Development Implementation Plan 2007: Western Cape Climate Change Response strategy and Action Plan
Transport SIP Key Growth Drivers for the Province Economic Development MEDS Environmental & Planning Urban/Spatial development PSDF Investment PGDS Sustainable Development PROVINCIAL CONTEXT
Cape Town Mountains Little Karoo Great Karoo Namaqualand Coastal plain Mountains Moist Dry Moist plain Coastal Garden Route The Western Cape Province Mountains NOT ALL DISTRICTS WILL BE AFFECTED THE SAME BY CLIMATE CHANGE
Key Predictions about Climate Change in the Western Cape Changes are detectable and attributable Warmer temperatures more so in the interior. Drier conditions in the shoulder seasons, especially away from mountains weaker cold fronts, (longer burn season). Increased humidity and greater persistence of stronger southerly winds. increased rainfall intensity and extreme events Possible increases in inter-annual variability
Climate Change threats to Sustainable Development in the Province The Climate Change Status Quo and vulnerability assessment Report which shows that climate change will have double the global average impact in the Western Cape. Hotter and drier weather will lead to: - More fires, floods and drought - Changes and drop in agricultural production - Less water - Increased vulnerability of the poor
The Western Cape Climate Change Response Strategy and Action Plan
Contents 2.Three Adaptation Programmes: Water Supply and Infrastructure Management; Climate Change Research and Monitoring; Linking livelihoods, land stewardship and economic growth. 4. One Mitigation Programme: Reducing our carbon footprint and maximising energy efficiency opportunities 1.The Provincial Action Plan - departmental projects, timeframes, budgets
Programme 1 : Integrated Water supply and Infrastructure Integrated water programme Establish and implement the ecological reserve- incrementally Conserve wetlands estuaries and rivers Research areas: demand, cost benefit of irrigation, irrigation efficiency and profitability Increase water efficiency through pricing strategies Establish uninterrupted water conservancy targets Systems maintenance and repairs Establish science / environmental / government dialogue Programme custodian: DWAF Strengthen provincial capacity against 1:100 year drought
Programme 2: Climate change research and monitoring Research, monitoring and validation Extend weather stations network Increase Air Quality stations; integrate other data - e.g. traffic Research pest sensitivity to climate change Research irrigation efficiency Foster science / environmental / government dialogue Programme custodian: PCCC / DEA&DP
Programme 3: Establish clear linkages between land stewardship, biodiversity, livelihoods and the economy
Programme 4: Reducing our carbon footprint and maximising energy efficiency opportunities Mitigation programmes Waste management, energy conversion and recycling initiatives Air quality monitoring Household fuel replacement Transport fuel replacement & integrated housing and transport planning - town planning (IDPs) Develop provincial industry and innovations - electric car, SWH installation capacity; Solar panels manufacturing Energy efficiency - drive targets, incentivise through pricing strategies Develop the provincial renewable resources Programme custodians: DEA&DP; DME; CTC; DoT; Housing Integrate CC into building standards, EE houses
Environmental Authorisations Reducing the cumulative impacts on water sources; Water and energy efficiency measures; Transport focus on public transport measures; Development setbacks in coastal zones and flood prone areas; Avoiding damage to wetlands, aquatic systems, forests, other fragile environments and biodiversity hotspots and corridors; Avoiding development of high potential agricultural land; Avoiding impacts and promoting environmental rights of socio-economically disadvantaged communities
Conclusion Climate change poses a particular challenge over and above the already existing challenge of achieving sustainable development Key imperative is to adapt our provincial development initiatives and activities to minimise the impact of adverse climate trends on our citizen’s socio- economic development and on natural resource conservation Need to limit green house gas emissions and improve energy security Need to act sooner rather than later
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