I Departmental Property Custodian Refresher Training Fiscal Year 2014
I Objectives Highlights to Review in This Year’s Refresher Training: Responsibilities of Dept. Property Custodian Common Activity: Off-Campus Property Disposal / Donation Process Annual Physical Inventory Verification – Scanner Option Scanner Q & A and Demonstration Websites and Links
I Responsibilities of Departmental Property Custodian 1. Designated department is in compliance with the inventory control procedures as shown in General Accounting Manual Asset Management Section Capital and controlled equipment/s received (by means other than purchase) is reported to Asset Management in a timely manner via “Asset Update Form” 3. Property is not loaned, traded, discarded, moved or cannibalized without prior approval of Asset Management; 4. Property is not defaced or damaged in any way. If so, it is reported to Asset Management in a timely manner via “Asset Update Form” 5. Property is not returned to a vendor as a trade-in without approval of Asset Management. In the case of computers/printers, obtain prior approval from UCT. 6. Appropriate documentation on obsolete and excess property (capital and/or controlled only) is submitted to Asset Management for approval prior to disposal. 7. Equipment is used for its intended purpose by properly trained personnel. 8. Ensure property within the Department is tagged and listed in the Departmental Inventory of Physical Property. 9. All items located off-campus are documented in the “Authorization for Off-campus Property ” form.
I Off-Campus Authorization (no change from prior year) Off-Campus Authorization Form is valid until the end of the current fiscal year, but can be renewed at fiscal year end. Renewals for FY2015 may be submitted now. Any tagged property which is off-campus without a completed form is in violation of Asset Management and State compliance policies. Pay particular attention to iPads, tablets, laptops, cameras. No Off-Campus Authorization Form is needed for Passenger Vehicles, Boats, Fire Arms, if the Custodian Department maintains a log of the property movement. Departments may be asked to show logs to Auditors. Returned property must be checked-in through Dept. Property Custodian, verified, then completed form sent to Asset Management.
I Disposal and Donation of Assets ( no change from prior year) Surplus DP Equipment - Coordinate through UCT; no Asset Update Form required. Submit request to Surplus Equipment ex-DP - Submit FMC work order for pickup/disposal. Submit Asset Update Form to document surplus action (tagged equip. only.) Asset Management will remove asset tag when FMC picks-up the equip. Donations Outbound Tagged or Un-tagged - Only to Independent School Districts or other State Institutions. Must coordinate through Asset Management. Receiving agency must request (on letterhead) the specific property in advance of the donation. Departmental approvals are required. Donations Inbound – Must be approved in advance by University Advancement Office, VP for Finance, and Asset Management. Forms available through Univ. Advance. Office or Asset Management Office.
I Annual Physical Inventory
I Annual Physical Inventory: Elements to be Verified Asset Tag #: Black/White Barcode – Manual or Scanner Location: Building, Floor, Room, Suite – Manual or Scanner Serial Number: If different from current inventory list – Manual Off-Campus: Verification required for Off-Campus property. Confirm with end-user that unit is still off-campus. Scanning not required. May use the hard-copy inventory list to indicate verification. – Manual Condition of the Asset: – Manual New/Good OR Fair OR Poor * Note: Scanners only collect 2 elements: Asset Tag # and Location
I Annual Physical Inventory Department may choose to use barcode scanner or manual method. Only one method allowed for an entire department. Example: cannot scan Bayou assets, then use manual method for SSCB assets for the same department’s inventory. Department may try out scanner, if not comfortable with operating the unit, may revert back to manual method, this inventory year. Inventory time-frame for FY2014 Start date: May 1 Deadline for all Certification Forms: June 12 for both methods.
I MANUAL Method of Verification (no change from prior year) Use these items from the Package from Asset Mgmt. FY 2014 Physical Inventory Instructions Asset List by Dept., Excel format: To document verification results and return to Asset Management by due date. Exceptions Report – To list discrepancies, e.g. serial number, asset condition, end user, off-campus status. Forms: Complete and return to Asset Management Certification of Annual Physical Inventory Off-Campus Asset Authorization Forms (if any) Asset Update Form (if any)
I SCANNER Method of Verification Use these items from Asset Mgmt. FY 2014 Physical Inventory Instructions Scanner and operating instructions Location Barcode Binder (to scan location corresponding to door number) Asset List by Dept., Excel format: Used for guidance. Exceptions Report –Prop Custodian to list discrepancies, e.g. serial number, asset condition, end user, off-campus status. Forms: Complete and return to Asset Management Certification of Annual Physical Inventory Off-Campus Asset Authorization Forms (if any) Asset Update Form (if any)
I Scanner Instructions : What to do once you have the Scanner in your hand …
I Scanner Instructions (cont’d) What to do once you have the Scanner in your hand … The internal battery provides 20 hours of continual use. If a LOW BATTERY message appears, stop and recharge the battery using the power adapter. Scanning cannot continue while battery is charging.
I A Few Words About Scanner Safety / Security... A. Point the scanner only at barcode tags. Avoid Direct Eye Exposure. B. Use only the battery charger/cables assigned to this scanner. It is critical that you use ONLY the 5-volt power adapter that comes with the scanner. DO NOT plug in any other power adapter you may have even if the connector or the voltage matches. C. Store scanner in locked drawer/cabinet when not in use and overnight. D. Contact Asset Management immediately if scanner is working improperly or damaged ( ).
I Scanner Method - Processing the Data Scanning Complete by Dept.: Dept. returns scanner to Asset Mgmt. (including Exception Report). Asset Mgmt. downloads the scanned data and prints the data file. Dept. receives data-file print-out before leaving Asset Mgmt. office. (This file is for info. only.) Differences Identified by Asset Mgmt.: Asset Mgmt. matches scanned data (and Exception Report info), to the original/master inventory (Excel) file. A List of Differences is produced and sent back to the Dept. The list enumerates the asset not scanned; location updates, etc. Differences Reconciled by Dept.: Dept. reviews the List of Differences, scans/verifies missed items, corrects locations, etc. and returns reconciled info. back to Asset Mgmt. Final inventory list produced and Certified: Asset Management updates inventory per Reconciliation; produces final inventory list. Dept. attaches final list, to the “Certification” Form and submits to Asset Mgmt.
I Scanner FAQ’s 1. How do I get a scanner? Contact Asset Management to reserve a Scanner. Pick up/sign out the Scanner from Asset Management office NOA How long may I check out a scanner? 48 hours. If more time is needed, contact Asset Management to request extension of time. (Another Dept. may be waiting for a scanner.) 3. How do I return the scanner to Asset Management when finished? Contact Asset Management when planning to return the scanner. Deliver all back to Asset Management office NOA How can I see what I have scanned so far? Can I print out a list? The scanner window displays the scanned data. A complete, hard-copy list will be printed by Asset Management when the scanner is returned. 5. I scanned the wrong location; how do I clear it out and put in the correct location? You cannot clear out what you scanned. Tap the END key and begin again by scanning the correct location, then the tag.
I Scanner FAQ’s 6. I scanned an asset tag more than once; how will Asset Management know which one is correct? If duplicate asset tags are scanned, only the last asset tag will be considered the correct one; duplicates will be purged through reconciliation. 7. I scanned an asset tag, but forgot to scan the new room number. Tap the END key and begin again, by scanning the new location for just the assets in the new room number, then rescan the barcode tag. 8. The asset barcode or the location barcode will not scan after several attempts. Use the scanner keypad and manually key in the 6-digit asset tag number; 10-digit location tag number or list the tag information on the Exception Report. 9. The asset does not have a barcode tag, but I know the tag number because it is an “AT” or “Assigned Tag.” You may manually enter the 6-digit tag number using the scanner keypad, or you may list the asset tag number on Exception Report. 10. The scanner timed out / shut down; did I loose what I already scanned? No. Data is still in scanner.
I Scanner FAQ’s 11. I cannot find the location barcode in the Location Binder. Use the Exception Report to list the physical location (bldg. and room number) and the asset barcode tag. 12. I want to start over; can I do that? Yes, if you bring the scanner back to Asset Management to clear the data/reset. 13. How many tags can I scan? The scanner can hold several thousand number of tags. You will be able to scan your entire department’s inventory. 14. I scanned another department’s asset; will that asset now be on my department’s inventory? No. That asset will not be added to your inventory. That asset will be listed on the List of Difference for you to confirm that it is not your asset. 15. If an asset is off-campus, must the user bring it back to campus to be scanned? No. If inventory list indicates “Off-Campus”, then confirm with end-user that unit is still off- campus. Use the hard-copy inventory list to indicate verification.
I Scanner FAQ’s 16. An asset that is listed as “Off-campus,” was brought back to campus; do I scan the tag? Yes, scan all asset-tags. The off-campus status will not be changed by scanning. 17. The hard-copy inventory list has the wrong User-Name or Serial Number. Write the updates on the hard-copy list or Exception Report. 18. I am the Dept. Prop. Custodian for several departments. Can I scan all of my departments together or must I bring the scanner back to Asset Mgmt. for each department? You may scan all departments at one time. It is preferable to cluster the scanning for each department. 19. My Department has their own scanner that we used in prior years; can I use that scanner? Yes, you may use your own scanner, but the inventory method will be considered manual.
I Websites and Links Link to Accounting Handbook and Training Slides: t t Forms Web link: Forms through UHCL Home Page: Faculty/Staff Budget Office People Soft Finance Support Website Forms FMC Work Order Request: NEW 4/28/2014
I Your Questions… Questions __________________________ Cindy Saltzman, Asset Management Coordinator (281) Mail Box 104 ~ NOA II