LUMS & GIS WORKING TOGETHER City of Ekurhuleni City Planning Director: Geo-Informatics Morena Letsosa
CONTENTS 1.Data storage and Database design 2.Land Use Management Scheme Project 3.Synergy of GIS and LUM 4.Daily use of GIS for Land Use Management
Geo-Informatics is the custodian of all LUMS core datasets, which consists of spatial and attributes tables. The data is sourced by GIS as approvals takes place and this is published on Intranet and Internet GIS viewers; Spatial and attribute data layers are housed in an Enterprise database (Oracle 10g) in a Spatial Data Object (SDO Geometry) format; Town Planning scheme data is stored in a 3 phase layer system depending on property status. Layers are: Scheme Proposed (amendment scheme approved but property not registered) Scheme Parcel (registered property) Scheme History (Parcels that changed in zoning or legal status) DATA STORAGE AND DATABASE DESIGN
Table structures are setup to accommodate data for the existing (19 Town Planning Schemes still in operation) and proposed (Land Use Management Scheme for Ekurhuleni area); Table structures are also designed to ensure constant data integrity when spatial and attribute data are transferred between layers; and Secondary Town Planning layers such as: Line of no access, building lines, height zones, etc. are also updated in conjunction with zoning changes. DATA STORAGE AND DATABASE DESIGN
In house preparation and compilation of a Uniform Land Use Management Scheme for EMM from 19 existing Town Planning Schemes and BCDA into a uniform EMM Land Use Management Scheme. LAND USE MANAGEMENT SCHEME PROJECT
A LUMS Task Team was established, which includes planners, as well as GIS Specialists; All properties’ existing zonings were captured in GIS database; Scans of additional rights/ restrictions in terms of Annexures and Consent approvals were made – Hyperlinks created; A LUMS grid (1:2 000) was created in GIS database; and A customised GIS Viewer was created to show the planners the current zonings for comments and corrections. LAND USE MANAGEMENT SCHEME PROJECT
An Arc Reader Package was also created with current zonings for comments and corrections; Town Planners set up a Conversion Table for the existing 19 Town Planning Schemes’ categories to the uniform Land Use Management Scheme categories;Conversion Table Bulk conversions of existing Zonings were done in database according to conversion table; Each of the existing TPS has a unique code that is also in the GIS database. This was used to create queries for the bulk conversions; and All properties with additional rights in terms of ‘Annexures’ and ‘Consents’ were flagged. LAND USE MANAGEMENT SCHEME PROJECT
All flagged properties were individually evaluated by LUMS Task Team and conversions were updated in database; Properties with ad hoc conversions were marked in the GIS database to distinguish them from the bulk conversions; Again a customised GIS Viewer was created to show planners the conversions/ proposed zonings that were done, for comments and corrections; and Again an Arc Reader Package was created with proposed zonings for comments and corrections. LAND USE MANAGEMENT SCHEME PROJECT
Sometimes slight changes to bulk conversions were necessary as draft LUMS evolved. This needed updating in GIS database; Hard Copy scheme maps Hard Copy scheme maps (1:8 000 grid) with new zoning categories were printed for each of the 19 TPS for corrections in the respective Customer Care Areas for those not comfortable with technology; Hard copy maps with changes were updated in GIS database. While the project is running, new zonings changes are still being effected in the GIS. Project nearing the stage of Public Participation. LAND USE MANAGEMENT SCHEME PROJECT
Collecting zoning information from all the existing Town Planning Schemes; All stakeholders will be able to view zoning and development controls on the GIS; Billing/valuation system scan benefit from the zoning information captured in GIS; Transferring existing zonings to the new EMM scheme; and Updates to the scheme will be done with the help of the GIS database. SYNERGY OF GIS AND LUMS
EVALUATION OF APPLICATION Application site in green. Radius of 500 m in red Objectors in pink