HIRING PROCESSES For Brumos Motor Cars Lexus of Jacksonville Mercedes Benz of OP Lexus of OP
Your Part in the Hiring Process Identify your recruitment needs Complete Staffing Requisition Form & send to HR as soon as possible Identify advertising needs if applicable Review resumes and/or applications Select & Interview applicants (internal first if applicable) Once applicant’s have been selected for processing, discuss with applicant your choice to move to the next level and the rate of pay you would like to offer contingent upon clear processing If Manager and applicant are in agreement, then submit to HR for review and pre-employment processing Once notified from HR candidate has been cleared to start, hiring manager will identify start date with new hire then notify & co-ordinate with HR the said start date
Applicant’s & the Interview Process If Internal- Review applicant’s have needed qualification’s Request interviews for those that qualify Select most qualified applicant & submit recommendations to HR If No Internal Applicant’s- Review resumes or application’s Select qualified applicant’s & setup interviews Select most qualified applicant to fill position & submit candidate to HR for review & pre-employment processing Notify unsuccessful candidates that were interviewed that you have selected someone that you feel will be a better fit for the position
Interviewing: Types of Questions You May Ask Questions that focus on job related qualities & abilities, for example: What did you like most about your previous job? What did you like the least? What in your previous experience best qualifies you for the position you’ve applied for? Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Try to also focus on questions that will place the candidate in situations that pertain to the job s/he is applying for.
Interviewing- Types of Questions to NOT Ask Questions that could reveal: Age What year did you graduate? How old are your kids? Race Where are you from? Religion Where do you go to church? National Origin Are you a U.S. Citizen Medical History Have you missed any work due to (Disabilities) illness? Have you ever reported a workers’ comp claim?
“Wishing you could fire”. Interviewing You should spend a lot of time during this process. Don’t just shoot for getting the position filled. Make sure you choose the BEST QUALIFIED person for the job. If you choose more carefully, you will spend less time disciplining and firing or even worse: “Wishing you could fire”.
Interviewing When interviewing be careful of notes taken. Don’t take notes on any physical traits or any information that might pertain to protected class traits (age, gender, race, etc.) Notes should only pertain to job related information.
HR’s Part in the Hiring Process After recruitment need is received, HR posts/advertises new/vacant position If it is a posted position and there are no internal applicant’s, position will be advertised at the Manager’s request Any resumes/applications received by HR will be distributed to hiring managers After hiring manager has selected candidate(s) and submitted to HR, HR reviews for compliance and proceeds with drug screen and processing When applicant is cleared for hire, HR will notify the hiring manager Once HR is notified from the hiring manager of a start date, a time for the new hire to report to HR to start the orientation process will be set (The orientation process begins with specific forms that are required by law to be completed within a specific timeframe. Therefore it is very important for them to see HR prior to beginning work )
Guidelines for Selecting Candidates Must be eligible to work in the U.S. Check with HR if candidate answers yes to any criminal history, “before” requesting processing so we may discuss If position falls under the definition of a driver, please ensure they are qualified Final candidate should be the best fit for the position to be chosen for processing Don’t over sell or over promise the position Discuss wages with candidate prior to processing and inform HR of wages when submitted for processing
New Motor Vehicle Report (MVR) Guidelines (Per Sentry Insurance) I. Definition of a Driver: Auto Dealer Market Drivers are defined as: Owners/partners/officers (whether active or not) Spouses or family members furnished a vehicle Sales persons and all managers (e.g. sales managers, service managers, body shop managers) Parts delivery drivers, shuttle drivers and tow truck drivers Contract drivers or other persons involved in transferring vehicles from one point to another. This includes auctions and dealer trades. Porters/lot persons Non-employees furnished a vehicle for their regular use such as a CPA, Coach or Pastor
II. MVR Guidelines: The maximum occurrences allowed - prior 3 years are changed to: Ages 16-18 - No at fault accidents or violations . Ages 19-21 - 1 at fault accident or 2 minor violations. Over Age 21 - 1 at fault accident or 3 minor violations. All ages – No major violations A "major" violation in the last 3 years as defined in the Business Products Marketing Manual will continue to be grounds for an unacceptable driver regardless of their age. Major violations include: Evading arrest Illegal possession Reckless disregard Operating without care Driving to endanger life DUI/DWI (alcohol or drug) Refusing an alcohol test Driving while impaired Failure to stop for an accident Speeding 25 + mph over the posted speed limit Operating after a license has been denied Misrepresentation to avoid arrest Traffic violation resulting in death Vehicle used in connection with a felony License revocation for any reason Operating while license is revoked or suspended
Process Summary Manager alerts HR of opening by submitting Position Requisition form along with Termination Form of employee (if applicable) Manager interviews candidates for open position and selects Best Qualified candidate Manager submits application to HR for processing