Local and State Government Power Point Project Your Name-________________
Instructions 1.On your IPad- go to the Civics website and down load the Local and State Government Power Point Project and save it. Quick Office 2.Open the power point up in Quick Office. (You could also use Google Docs. for this project.) 3.This power point contains what you need for this project. (You should eliminate the instructions after you have finished the power point.) 4.You will need to fill in blanks, add pictures. Information and explanations 5.The first three slides are Title and information only. 6.When the project is finished you will the power point to Mr. Cook
Instructions 6.Title Slide- 6.Title Slide- use mine, put in your name. 7.City Council- 7.City Council- You will need 6 slides a.3 slides on three actions of the city council City Council Action- 1)Title each slide slide- City Council Action- (then name it) 2)Explanation- (write no more than 4 lines with 4 words per line. 3)Pictures- Each slide must contain at least 2 pictures that pertain to the action. b.3 slides on how three actions of the city council affect the community. Put each of these after the slide of that action The affect of City Council Action #1 1)Title each slide- The affect of City Council Action #1 - (or #2 or #3) 2)Explanation- (write no more than 4 lines with 4 words per line. 3)Pictures- Each slide may contain at least 2 pictures that pertain to the action. 8.State Government- 8.State Government- You will need 4 slides a.2 slides on two state laws. State Law- (then write its number and name) 1)Title each slide slide- State Law- (then write its number and name) 2)Explanation- (write no more than 4 lines with 4 words per line. 3)Pictures- Each slide must contain at least 2 pictures that pertain to the action. b.2 slides on how these two state laws affect the community of Waverly-ShellRock. Put each of these after the slide of that law. The affect of State Law-____________ 1)Title each slide- The affect of State Law-____________ 2)Explanation- (write no more than 4 lines with 4 words per line. 3)Pictures- Each slide may contain at least 2 pictures that pertain to the action. 9.Worksheets on the power point- 9.Worksheets on the power point- You will need to fill in blanks with as much information as you can write. There are at least two slides for the City Council Meeting and two for the State Laws. 10.Project is worth 60 points- 10.Project is worth 60 points- 5 points a piece for slides 4-15.
Waverly City Council Worksheet- Date of meeting- Call to Order: agendaWhat is an agenda? minutesWhat are the minutes? How many council members were present? Who is the Mayor? Who is Phil Jones? 1st Order of Business- Who was sworn in? Visitor/Public Comments: Were there any public comments? If so summarize below Tabled Items: Resolution Resolution th Street NE and water loop final pay request- what did the council do? Consent Agenda: 7 Items- what did the council do about these items? Regular Business: Item #1 and #2- Downtown Concept plan (Upper story development and a facade program) –Item #1- Program #1- State Block Grant Program- Façade program What is it? What does Waverly qualify for? How much money and who pays? What areas could get this money? What did the council do about this?
Waverly City Council Worksheet –Item #2- Program #2- Disaster Recovery Housing Fund- Round 3,4,5- redevelopment of upper stories in downtown. What is it? Funding comes from what? What is the compliance? What are other communities doing? Is it easy to get into this program? Who qualifies? What did the council do about this? Item #3- Resolution 161- Phase 1 of land acquisition for Fair Grounds and Ball Diamonds- Platt and Legal Description –What is it? –Updates on the project? –What does the farmer of the land to be purchased want to know? –What happens on Dec. 3? –What did the council do about this?
Waverly City Council Worksheet- Date of meeting- Item #4- Resolution 162- Sale of City Property- Circle Park –What is this all about? –Why is it being sold? –What did the council do about this? Item #5- Ordinance 967- Rezoning property along 10th Ave. SW. –What is this all about? –What does it mean mixed use? –What is C2? –What would the housing look like in the R4? –What did the council do about this first reading? Item #6- Ordinance 964- Non-Conforming Building Setbacks –What is this all about? –What did the Board of Adjustments (Pete Lampe) say? –What did the Council do about this?
Waverly City Council Worksheet- Date of meeting- Item #7- Approve change in sanitary lift station improvements for 2012 –What is this all about? –What did the Council do about this? Item #8 Skip Item #9- Resolution 163- for finalization of the 703 Crestwood Ave. Demolition for –What is this all about? –What did the Council do about this? Item #10- Skip Item #11- Awarded fiber glass auto body to be mounted. City Maintenance- water department. –What is this all about? –What did the Council do about this? Item #12- Approval of Budget Schedule –What is this all about? –What did the Council do about this? ResolutionWhat is a Resolution? OrdinanceWhat is an Ordinance?
Waverly City Council Action #1- ______________________________________
The Effect of Waverly City Council Action #1 on the community
Waverly City Council Action #2- ______________________________________
The Effect of Waverly City Council Action #2 on the community
Waverly City Council Action #3- ______________________________________
The Effect of Waverly City Council Action #3 on the community
Iowa Legislature- General Assembly Worksheet Date-___________________ Go to the following Website Look at Subject Index for Bills that are Passed Double click on one of the subjects suggested or one of your own. You will then be directed to the yellow heading that says that the popups are blocked. You need to click on that yellow heading and temporarily allow the popups. Double click on one of the subjects suggested or one of your own. Double click on the bill number for the text. Click on the Bill History (on the left side of page) for the history. Choose Two bills to research- number and name Bill #1- ____________________________ When was it introduced and placed on the calendar? When did it pass the House? When did it pass the Senate? When did the President and Speaker sign it? When did the Governor sign it? What does this Bill relate to? Write one paragraph on what this bill is about.
The Effect of Law #1 on the community of Waverly and Shell Rock
Iowa Legislature- General Assembly Worksheet Date-___________________ Go to the following Website Look at Subject Index for Bills that are Passed Double click on one of the subjects suggested or one of your own. You will then be directed to the yellow heading that says that the popups are blocked. You need to click on that yellow heading and temporarily allow the popups. Double click on one of the subjects suggested or one of your own. Double click on the bill number for the text. Click on the Bill History (on the left side of page) for the history. Choose Two bills to research- Number and Name Bill #2- ____________________________ When was it introduced and placed on the calendar? When did it pass the House? When did it pass the Senate? When did the President and Speaker sign it? When did the Governor sign it? What does this Bill relate to? Write one paragraph on what this bill is about.
The Effect of Law #2 on the community of Waverly and Shell Rock