1 Detection of Item Degradation Yongwei Yang Abdullah Ferdous Tzu-Yun Chin University of Nebraska-Lincoln In T. L. Hayes (chair), Item degradation: impact, detection, and mitigation, an academic-practitioner collaborative forum conducted at the 22 nd annual conference of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology in New York City, NY, April 2007.
2 Item Degradation Item’s favorable psychometric characteristics deteriorate over time Psychometric characteristics Content relevance and representativeness Technical characteristics (e.g., “difficulty”/“location”, lack of bias) Utility (e.g., item-criterion relationship) Item Degradation vs. Exposure/Compromise Item degradation: observed phenomenon Item exposure/compromise: Items have become known to test takers prior to administration Possible reasons for degradation
3 Detection of Item Degradation Essentially it is about investigating the comparability of item’s psychometric properties over time “temporal stability of the psychometric characteristics” (Chan, Drasgow, & Sawin, 1999) Can be evaluated under the framework of: Measurement invariance (MI; Meredith, 1993) Predictive invariance (PI; Millsap, 1995)
Item Degradation as MI or PI Measurement Invariance (MI) Same relationship across populations between observed indicators and the latent variables Degradation noninvariance in such relationships over time Loading, location 4 Predictive Invariance (PI) Same relationship across populations between predictors and criterion Degradation noninvariance in such relationships over time Indicator-criterion relationship Let x be observed indicator that measures latent w and predicts y, and v be some population indicator
5 Item Degradation Detection Methods Differential item functioning, item parameter drift Mean & covariance modeling Assessing invariance in various aspects pertain to measurement or predictive properties Statistical process control Models of change
6 Item Degradation Detection Differential item functioning, item parameter drift Mean & covariance modeling Assessing invariance in various aspects pertain measurement or predictive properties Statistical process control Cumulative sum (CUSUM) procedure Models of change
7 CUSUM for Item Degradation Detection Our approach—Conditional CUSUM Whether item parameters have deviated from target Make use of observed scores The importance of controlling for shifts in traits level over time “Conditional”—test takers at different time points were matched based on their total test score Procedures Initial Item Calibration Compute target item parameter (e.g., difficulty) using the first n job applicants from the operation sample Define “time group” Every m applicants from the n+1 applicant to the last person under investigation Define “trait group” (conditioning variable) Divide job applicants into groups of reasonable size based on total test scores Compute and plot CUSUM statistics for each trait group separately
8 Conditional CUSUM—Calculation Two-sided Standardized CUSUM Initial Status Item VarianceTime Group i Item Variance Time Group i Item MeanTarget Item Mean Reference value (k) and Control limit ( h )
9 Conditional CUSUM—Data Source A web-based personnel selection assessment for selecting managers 103 items measuring job-related non-cognitive attributes CTT-based test construction and scoring Fixed-length, linear test Unproctored Sample: Job applicants from Oct to Sept Re-taker excluded Total N = 7,000
10 Conditional CUSUM—Results Among the 103 items 36 flagged for upward shift in item means for at least one trait group 20 flagged for downward shift in item means for at least one trait group 9 flagged for having both upward and downward shifts for different trait groups 38 not flagged for any trait group A couple examples: it035, it174it035it174 Follow-up analysis: Were there differences across item types with respect to the likelihood of being flagged by conditional CUSUM?
Conditional CUSUM—Follow-up Multinomial logistic regression DV: condition CUSUM flag; 3 categories; “Not Flagged” as the reference category IV: ability (6 levels), item type (3 levels, multiple choice (MC) as the reference group 11 Results GOF statistic indicates appropriate fit of the main effect model (X 2 =16.83, df=20, p=.664) The impact of ability levels on the CUSUM flags was not statistically significant (X 2 =13.48, df=10, p=.198) The impact of item type on the CUSUM flags was statistically significant (X 2 =17.83, df=4, p=.001). MC items were more likely to be flagged by conditional CUSUM for negative shifts Forward items were more likely to be flagged by conditional CUSUM for positive shifts
Model of Change Perspective 1: Understanding patterns of change using examinee characteristics Do the trajectories of item parameter change vary across different types of examinees? Applicant location, SES, demographics, etc. Perspective 2: Understanding patterns of change using item characteristics Do the trajectories of item parameter change vary across different types of items? Item format, complexity, content area, etc. Formulating these questions in a longitudinal analysis framework 12
Perspective 1 Example 13 Using a 2-level longitudinal model to explore: RQ1: On average, was there a shift in item difficulty? RQ2: Were there variations in the slope of the shift? (If Yes to RQ2) RQ3: Could the variations be explained by job applicants characteristics (e.g., trait level, region, etc.)? The model: Analysis with item 174: RQ1: significant positive slope RQ2: non-significant variations RQ3: not pursued Level I: Level II:
Perspective 2 Example 14 Using a 2-level longitudinal model to explore: RQ1: Across items, on average was there a change in item difficulty over time? RQ2: Were there variations in the slope of the change across items? (If Yes to RQ2) RQ3: Could the variations be explained by item characteristics?
Model B: Analysis with this data set: RQ3: item type did not explain a significant portion of the variations in slopes Perspective 2 Example Model A: Analysis with this data set: RQ1: average slope across items was not different from zero RQ2: significant variations in slopes across items 15 Level I Level II
Summary and Discussions Two types of methods that serve different purposes: Statistical process control (e.g., CUSUM): Real-time monitoring of degradation We illustrated conditional CUSUM procedure, but other methods exist (e.g., an IRT- based moving residual approach by Han & Hambleton [2004]) Explicit modeling of patterns of degradation: Understanding the nature of degradation, exploring potential factors that impact degradation, assisting the development of prevention and mitigation procedures We illustrated longitudinal modeling methods, but various methods for studying MI/PI may be applied These methods can also be used in monitoring and understanding degradation in other parameters (e.g., item variance, discrimination, response time) It might be helpful to monitor/model multiple parameters simultaneously to (1) “flag” items more accurately and, (2) understand factors behind degradation 16
Summary and Discussions Understanding temporal stability of measurement properties is essential to: Valid decisions based on test scores Valid inferences in substantive research based on assessment outcomes Research on Flynn effect (e.g., Wicherts et al., 2004) Further research is needed, such as What monitoring approaches would better fit personnel selection assessment programs? What would lead to or impact degradation? How would item-level degradation impact test-level decisions and inferences? Etc. 17
18 Some Useful References MI & PI Concepts Mellenbergh (1989) Meredith (1993) Millsap (1995) Various IPD and Item Exposure Detection Methods Bock, Muraki, & Pfeiffenberger (1988) Chan, Drasgow, & Sawin (1999) DeMars (2004) Donahue & Isham (1998) Han & Hambleton (2004) Kim, Cohen, & Park (1995) CUSUM and Psychometric Applications: Hawkins & Olwell (1998) Meijer & van Krimpen-Stoop (2003) Montgomery (2005) van Krimpen-Stoop & Meijer (2002) Veerkamp & Glas (2000)
19 Contacts Yongwei Yang: Abdullah Ferdous: Tzu-Yun Chin: THANK YOU
Item 35 Conditional CUSUM Charts 20 back
Item 174 Conditional CUSUM Charts 21 back