Revenue Protection & Safety How we work safely everyday
OSHA What is OSHA What is OSHA Where Can I find information Where Can I find information How does it pertain to our work How does it pertain to our work 29 CFR – Personal Protective Equipment 29 CFR – Personal Protective Equipment
What is OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration Occupational Safety and Health Administration Law enacted in 1970 Law enacted in 1970 Department started up April 28, 1971 Department started up April 28, 1971
Where Can I find Information Your Safety Administrator Your Safety Administrator Safety Procedures Safety Procedures
How does it pertain to Our Work You have a right to a safe and healthful workplace. That's why Congress passed the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, requiring employers to provide workplaces free from serious recognized hazards and to comply with occupational safety and health standards. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) wants every worker to go home whole and healthy every day. The agency was created by Congress to help protect workers by setting and enforcing workplace safety and health standards and by providing safety and health information, training and assistance to workers and employers.Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970
29 CFR Personal Protective Equipment PPE – Why PPE – Why Hazard Assessments Hazard Assessments What is the minimum protection What is the minimum protection
A typical day Before the inspector arrives Before the inspector arrives Being properly dressed & capable Being properly dressed & capable Daily briefing Daily briefing Review the work Review the work CATS, Close Calls & Time Outs CATS, Close Calls & Time Outs Vehicle Inspections Vehicle Inspections Inspect your tools Inspect your tools On the job On the job
Before the Inspectors Arrive Check the various systems to ensure the job is ok to enter. Check the various systems to ensure the job is ok to enter. Note CIS that we are planning a visit Note CIS that we are planning a visit Trained to do the job Trained to do the job Match up new inspectors with experience Match up new inspectors with experience
Being Properly Dressed & Capable Ensure Inspectors follow OSHA guidelines FR clothing ? 100 % Natural Is the inspector ok today
Daily Briefing OSHA regulations OSHA regulations What’s in a briefing What’s in a briefing When Do we do it When Do we do it Why is it important Why is it important
Pre- field Review Ensure you are trained Ensure you have proper safety equipment Ensure you have the right tools
Working in the field