What does a computer do? Accepts data through inputting Processes data Stores data Outputs data
Input Devices Mouse Keyboard Scanner Microphone Digital Camera Voice Command Touch Screen
Output Devices Printer Monitor Speaker
Computers STORE Data in Bytes One byte is 8 bits (a bit is an off/on switch or a zero or a one) a: One byte holds one character, numeral, or symbol such as the letter z, the numeral 3, or the symbol * Kilobyte 1 KB is 1 thousand bytes Megabyte 1 MB is 1 million bytes Gigabyte 1 GB is 1 billion bytes
Storage Devices Permanent Storage Devices Floppy Disk1.4 MB Removable Zip Drive100/250 MB Removable USB Storage Device 126 MB - 1 GB+ Removable CD-R700 MB Removable DVD-R4.7 GB Removable Hard Drive60 GB ++ Not removable Temporary Storage (stores data while processing) Random Access Memory - RAM
Saving your data at CCSF Save on your zip drive or USB storage device. Use Save As the first time you are saving so that you can indicate WHERE you will store your file/data. Save often Remember, when you turn off your computer, everything in RAM is removed. Back-up important files
Computers PROCESS data fast and accurately! Central Processing Unit (CPU) (so called “brain” of the computer Speed of computer is measured in Megahertz (MHz) 1 Megahertz is a million cycles per second (ours are 450 MHz) Computers today often run at 3+ GHz Gigahertz (billion cycles per second)
Software/Programs – Instructions for the Computer Operating System Software Performs housekeeping tasks, saves and organizes files, connects all the peripherals Microsoft Windows XP (used by CCSF Business Department) Applications Software/Programs Performs specific tasks Microsoft Office 2003 is an integrated software package containing various individual programs that do different tasks – Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint.
Three Major Programs in Microsoft Office 2003 CategoryProgramFile Ext. Common Output Word Processing Word.docLetters, reports SpreadsheetsExcel.xls Budgets, financial projections DatabaseAccess.mdb Client lists, inventory
Word Processing - WORD
Spreadsheets – EXCEL
Databases - ACCESS
Title BarDisplays Office Program and current file Menu BarContains menu titles for pull down menus with a variety of commands Standard Toolbar Contains buttons (icons) you can use to perform common tasks Formatting Toolbar Contains buttons (icons) for changing formats including fonts, alignment Status BarTells you status of what is shown on screen such as page # or line # Task BarShows Start Button, Quick Launch Toolbar, and all open programs/files Task PaneContains commonly used commands that pertain to each application Bars and Panes in Windows
Using Control and Shift Keys in selecting files/folders and data Control Key Press as you select each one Selects non-contiguous (non-adjacent) files, folders, or data that are in random order Shift Key Press after you select the first one and keep holding until you select the last one Selects files/folders and data that are next to each other (contiguous or adjacent)
Using Move and Copy When you move a file, folder or data, it is no longer in its original location When you copy a file, folder, or data, it is both in its original location and in its new location.
The Ergonomics of Using Computers Maintain good posture Stand up and stretch often Rest your eyes and mind Take risks, relax and have fun!