Zooming Out for a Global View Global Issues Conference For Students: Grades Information And Guidelines Sponsored by the Office of International Outreach: European Union Center, the George Bush Presidential Library and the Academy for Future International Leaders Texas A&M University
Conference Information Place: Donald L. Houston Center 200 Discovery Drive, College Station Date: Wednesday, May 6, 2009 Time: 8:00-9:00_Registration 5:00_Departure from Bush Museum Space: Spots will be given to the first 250 students to submit projects Note: To be eligible to register, the student(s) must submit a global project either individually or in teams of no more than 4 students.
Why Attend? Gain knowledge about Global Issues! Interact directly with Texas A&M students, professors, and peers. Excellent addition to scholarship applications. Opportunity to visit one of the nations premier public schools and learn about Texas A&M traditions. Opportunity to meet international students. Visit the George Bush Presidential Library and Museum.
Tentative Conference Events Exciting keynote guest speaker Project Display and Presentation Breakout sessions with Texas A&M students on important global issues Awards Ceremony Tour of Bush Presidential Library and introduction to Texas A&M traditions (A more detailed schedule will be provided when finalized.)
Project Requirements 1) Must pertain to a global issue that falls into one of the categories listed on the following slide 2) Must include a written component a) Several paragraph summary explaining the project ’ s relevance to a global issue 3) Must include an original visual aide, ex: Poster board Drawing Video Photography 4) Must be must be mailed per directions given on the “ Submitting Projects “ slides
Global Issues Categories Geopolitics The Influence of Geography on: War, Security, Trade Economics Imports/Exports, Treaties Borders Treaties, War, Communication Human Capital Education, Health, Population Growth, Obesity Conservation Natural Resources, Pollution, Climate Control, Food Exploration Energy, Space, Medicine, Invention These are simply suggestions. Feel free to be creative and take initiative with your ideas!
Online Resources Visit these websites to get project ideas! Global Treads 2025: A Transformed World National Intelligence Council Global Issues website Globalizing Pre-Service Teachers Education Showing Rising Powers: The New Global Reality -the-new-global-reality.cfm The Cyber Schoolbus: United Nations
Submitting Projects Three parts to the written submission Registration forms (one per student) Project submission forms (one per group) Summary of Project Those with a multimedia visual aide should submit their presentation along with the written summary These forms can be found on the website
Submitting Projects (cont.) All projects must be mailed and postmarked by April 17 th. Written projects should be printed off before they are sent, and multimedia projects should be burned to a disk and must function as received. Projects must be submitted to: Global Issues Conference Project Submission Annenberg Presidential Conference Center Office of International Outreach 1245 Texas A&M University College Station, TX
Poster Session During the Conference, students will bring and display their projects through a display board (along with any other visual aide their project includes). Display Boards: Science Fair style Bullet points and large font are better than long paragraphs Board should look neat and professional Information should be organized like a newspaper so the flow of the project is easy to follow The title should be big and easy to read from across the room A picture speaks a thousand words! *Recommend using a three panel display board that unfolds to be approximately 36 inches tall and 48 inches wide
Project Judging Guidelines The projects will be judged by a panel of qualified Texas A&M students and faculty based on: Creativity/Originality Global Insight Relevance to an important Global Issue Overall Quality A note on plagiarism: We take plagiarism seriously. Make sure to give credit to all resources you use in creating your project. Any plagiarism found will result in disqualification of the project and students involved will not be allowed to attend.
Judging Rubric The 5 criteria: The project ties to a specific global issue based on the paragraph provided by the author(s). The project demonstrates creativity and originality. Quality of project in terms of research and presentation of data. Quality of the project in terms of presentation and organization. Quality of project in terms of presentation of grammar, language use and neatness. Each criteria is given a score on a scale from 1-5 All judging takes place before the conference
Contact Information For most information and forms, visit: For questions specifically related to the project or the events that will occur during the conference itself, please direct s to AFIL students Corene Sullivan and Lara Speights: For all other questions relating to the Zooming Out for a Global View Conference, contact International Outreach Education Coordinator Martha Green: