F INDING CONTENT Search for different topics on Google – Volunteer Management, Personality Typing, etc. Peruse any websites you find for articles on volunteering Check to see if the article is copyrighted
F INDING CONTENT CONTINUED Go to Wikipedia.com Do a topic search using any keywords that pertain to volunteering or useful content for those involved in volunteering or volunteer management
F INDING CONTENT CONTINUED Go to Christianvolunteering.org Click on Articles under the Training menu Click on the link and then search the site for any other volunteering articles they may have pertaining to volunteering
P OSTING YOUR CONTENT ON U RBANMINISTRY. ORG For the non-copyrighted material (like on Wikipedia) copy the content of the article or page Go to Urbanministry.org and login Click on Add Wiki Page under the Wiki menu
P OSTING YOUR CONTENT ON U RBANMINISTRY. ORG CONTINUED Fill out the form – make sure to select the correct parent (subject heading) which will be under the Encyclopedia of Volunteer Management, Volunteering and Short-Term Missions near the bottom of the list Take out any unnecessary elements in the article – any web tags from Wikipedia, such as [edit] Click Submit*
P OSTING YOUR CONTENT ON U RBANMINISTRY. ORG CONTINUED For copyrighted articles copy or write down the link Go to Urbanministry.org and add a wiki page again this time creating your own title for the page (ex: Volunteering Articles) Once again select the correct parent (subject heading)
P OSTING YOUR CONTENT ON U RBANMINISTRY. ORG CONTINUED In the body paste or write out all the links you have collected related to your title subject Put a brief description of each article under the link Click Submit* * Page will then be submitted to the moderation queue for approval but should appear on Urbanministry.org shortly upon review
M ASS MARKETING Finding Partner Sites Making Partners Out of Organizations You Know Sending to Church Lists Sample Search Terms
F INDING PARTNER SITES Search Google for potential sites using specific keywords like “urban ministries” (see search term list below) Contact any hub organizations or sites (sites with many organizations under them) you find Look for any links to hub organizations off of those sites
F INDING PARTNER SITES CONTINUED Look for phrases repeated in the site that could be used in more keyword searches It is also suggested to make a spreadsheet listing the contact info for any hub organizations
M AKING PARTNERS OUT OF ORGANIZATIONS YOU KNOW Call any contact person you know at the organization telling them about ChristianVolunteering.org or ask to be referred to the person who makes the decisions Be relational
M AKING PARTNERS OUT OF ORGANIZATIONS YOU KNOW CONTINUED Point out ways that ChristianVolunteering.org is relevant, or coincides with their organization’s values or needs Share the different partnership options with them
S ENDING TO CHURCH LISTS Pick an that is designed to recruit organizations and volunteers (see list below) Personalize the body of the specifically for that church
S ENDING TO CHURCH LISTS CONTINUED When sending to your own church or a church of someone you know be sure to include the member’s name Highlight the opportunities most used by churches or most popular to volunteers
S AMPLE SEARCH TERMS Finding Partner Sites Urban Ministry, Urban Ministries, Urban ministry organizations, Christian organizations, Christian organizations (insert city name), Christian development organizations, Christian inner city organizations, Christian community development, Christian youth
S AMPLE SEARCH TERMS CONTINUED Recruiting Organizations to List Opportunities Urban ministries, urban ministries (insert city name), Christian organizations, Christian organizations (insert city name), Christian volunteers, churches, churches (insert city or region name), short-term missions, mission agencies, internships, service learning, community service, Christian campus groups