Developing Scrap Tire Programs along the US/Mexico Border Michael Blumenthal Senior Technical Director Rubber Manufacturers Association Washington, DC
RMA Tire Company Members North America
RMA Scrap Tire Strategic Goals To promote the elimination of all scrap tire piles in an environmentally and economically sound manner To promote the management of all annually generated scrap tires in an environmentally and economically sound manner
RMA Scrap Tire Strategic Goals To seek public awareness of scrap tire management success To advocate for a legislative and regulatory environment that is supportive of the RMA scrap tire mission
US/Mexico Border Region
Tires on the US/Mexico Border Used tires brought into Mexico; many stay along border region Unlikely to stop flow of tires into Mexico Many stockpiles exist: No accurate data No markets exist; worsening pile growth Few markets on US side of border
Salvage Yard “Junk” Yonkes
Tire Repair Micro Business
Texas Mexico Border
Scrap Tire Situation in Mexico No Federal or State legislation or regulations on scrap tires exist No fees paid for disposal/transportation Limited processing capacity Used tires continue to be imported Private funds are scarce
Scrap Tires Situation on US Side In general, few markets exists along the border region in the 4 border states California considering a border market development program Arizona not actively working along border region
Atlanta, Texas
Scrap Tires Situation on US Side Texas has several programs, but no state funds New Mexico has no state program, but border region programs are starting US EPA considers border region a priority, but has not committed funds
Border 2012 US & Mexico developed Border 2012 in 2005 as a program to protect the environment & public health along the border region An objective of the program is to identify needs for waste management & pollution prevention as they pertain to…solid waste & toxic substances along the border
Border 2012 One of the four priority issues identified by the Waste Policy Forum was tire piles prevention & clean up Stated goal of Border 2012 is to clean up three of the largest sites that contain abandoned scrap tires
Border 2012 Stockpile abatement has begun Abated scrap tires going to Cemex (cement kilns) for fuel EPA & SEMARNAT looking to go beyond abatement program to create market infrastructure
Other Initiatives Ciudad Juarez/El Paso: Began collection program; tires sent to Cemex Nuevo Laredo/Laredo: Have drop off site; tires being sent to Cemex Brownsville/Matamoros conducting a study on market options
Many Players Involved 7 Mexican Indigenous Peoples 26 US Tribes 28 “Sister” cities 4 regional working groups 3 border-wide groups 3 policy forums Task forces (many) 3 EPA offices 7 SEMARNAT offices 4 US state agencies 6 Mexican states & their agencies
RMA Involvement Presentations at 2 forums in Mexico Working with SEMARNAT through the Mexican Embassy to develop a scrap tire management plan for the border Chairs an Ad hoc working group that provides a centralized information base Member of the Scrap Tire Task Force (with EPA, SEMARNAT & states)
Opportunities Scrap tires have been identified as a priority issue State, Federal & international organizations looking to fund programs Abundant supply of tires Well developed industrial base along border region
Opportunities TDF is an accepted use for tires; potential end users exist along border There is considerable interest in rubber modified asphalt Civil engineering applications would be an easy fit Well developed transportation system
Challenges Neither EPA nor SEMERNAT has a budget for scrap tire programs Funds are going to hazardous waste and waste water projects Cross-border projects could mean having to deal with multiple levels of ‘red tape’ from multiple agencies
Suggested Approach Municipalities can become active players by creating demand for scrap tire-derived material Municipalities should seek opportunities to use tire shreds in civil engineering applications Use in road embankments can use large quantities of tires
Tire Shreds?
First load of shreds
Overview of construction
Spreading shreds with dozer
Completed embankment
Slope to be Repaired
Tire Bales Placed
Cover for Final Layer
Completed Slope
Composted Slope
Slope Repair at a Landfill Slope Repair at a Landfill
Slope Repair Slope Repair
Compost on Slope
Prerequisites for Success Must have municipal leadership support Must have support from leadership of the Department of Public Works Must provide training sessions to DPW Must educate tire processors Price paid for tire shreds must be fair Must have commitment to success
Training Programs RMA has training program material on processing technology; civil engineering applications & business development RMA already committed to a civil engineering session in Columbus, NM- Palomas, Chih. area in early 2006
To Have a Training Course Municipal leaders must be present Decision makers from DPW must be present and commit to using tires Design engineers from DPW must be present Must have a “champion” to follow up and keep project on track
Market Development Some scrap tires already going to Cemex for fuel: should try to expand Civil engineering applications is a good second phase market for scrap tires Developing a ground rubber production operation in Mexico (i.e., for rubber modified asphalt) is probably not economically viable at this point in time
Market Development Creating “cottage Industry” to make products (door mats) from scrap tires could create jobs, income and an infrastructure RMA willing to approach mass merchandisers in US as a possible market
Components of Effective Legislation Comprehensive regulation of generators, collectors, processors and end users Strong effective centralized administration and enforcement oversight Clear understanding of permitting requirements Timely processing/review of permit applications License/permit transporters Tire tracking system
Components of Effective Legislation Limited time fee: dedicated fund – tamper proof Funds used to spur market development (no subsidies) Grants for testing Grants for capital equipment to use tire derived material No money for processing capacity
Components of Effective Legislation Funds used to abate stockpiles –Mechanism for cost recovery –Mechanism for victims of dumping beef up enforcement Gradual phase out of ability to landfill tires
Conclusions Unless/until Mexico enacts scrap tire legislation market development will be localized Lack of funds will limit pile abatement & market development programs Stockpiles will continue to enlarge
Conclusions Emphasis should be placed on existing resources (public & private) Training programs on “how to start” markets are needed Coordination among agencies is needed Niche markets could expand into regional markets
Contact Information Michael Blumenthal Rubber Manufacturers Association