The Chief Electoral Officer of Quebec, at the heart of an efficient and transparent election system Catherine Lagacé Acting Secretary General, RECEF Secretary General, DGEQ
The Chief Electoral Officer is both a person and an institution The Person Appointed by the Québec National Assembly Resolution approved by 2/3rd of deputies required, Tradition of consensus The Institution Permanent since 1945 A neutral, impartial and independent body at arm’s length from the government’s executive power
Chief Electoral Officer: Independent and accountable The Institution Administrative and financial autonomy Accountability About 250 permanent employees
Main Responsibilities of the DGEQ Manage and oversee provincial elections Support the holding of municipal and school elections Enforce political financing rules Ensure that voting rights may be fully exercised Act as public prosecutor in election matters Promote Québec’s democratic values as they pertain to elections
Holding Elections Managing provincial elections 125 electoral divisions 125 returning officers in the field
Québec’s permanent list of electors Established in 1997 Updated on ongoing basis and revised during elections Uses Provincial elections Municipal and school elections Provided to Elections Canada for federal elections High quality information and important savings
Political party financing Citizen-based and public Contributions from electors Public funding for political parties Partial reimbursement of election expenses Fairness and transparency Limits on election spending Public disclosure of donations Mandatory election financing and expense reports
Control of election expenses Election expenses and election period: definitions Party authorization and appointment of an official agent Election expenses limit Limit applicable to political parties Limit applicable to candidates In case of irregularities: investigation and legal prosecution
Relations between political parties and the advisory committee Advisory committee established in 1977 Composition and operation Mandate: promote the evolution of electoral legislation Tradition of consensus Technical committee and study groups Results
International Activities and the RECEF The DGEQ’s international cooperation activities The Réseau des compétences électorales francophones Members and operation Mission Main activities Outlook