Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Follow the Dream: Celebrating Diversity
Description of Lesson: This lesson is designed to increase the tolerance of all people. Dr. King’s message was very powerful. Diversity will be the theme of this lesson. You will become aware of Dr. King’s teachings. You will become aware of how the Civil Rights Movement impacted the African/American culture as well as all people who face obstacles of discrimination.
Background and Content Information: This will follow study of the Civil Rights Movement, read Time needed for unit: three school weeks using class period lasting 80 min. every other day (block schedule) which would total eight class periods. Group as well as individual Internet activities, video interviews, web site evaluations, reading of literature (letters, readings, ect.), construction of various projects. Final grade will be based upon a completed portfolio produced by each student.
Internet References: world.com/a_lesson/lesson046.shtml world.com/a_lesson/lesson046.shtml 1/Unit_XIQ3rl.html 1/Unit_XIQ3rl.html 11XIQ3.html 11XIQ3.html k/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?site= cr6.htm k/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?site= cr6.htm
Essential Questions: 1. In what ways did the Civil Rights movement change lives of Americans? 2. How do teenagers perceive others who may be different then them?
Procedures: You will watch a video of Dr. King’s speech, “I Have a Dream”. You will access the World Wide Web in order to complete assignments (both group/individual). You will complete a portfolio to include: 1. Construction of Diversity Power Point. 2. Completed activities from Internet sites. 3. Construction of Diversity Web Site. 4. Construction of Diversity Newsletter. 5. Grade log 6. Final group report
Martin Luther King, Jr.: “I Have a Dream” Group Activity Access the Web site: Print the printable version of MLK’s speech, “I Have a Dream” Download the movie and watch the speech Place speech in portfolio
Civil Rights: Before and After Individual Activity Access Web site: ossroads/sec4/Unit_11/Unit_XIQ3 R3.html Go to Question #2, print out chart: “Civil Rights: Before and After” Go to Question #3, print out the questions for the above chart Using Microsoft Office, devise a chart that will show the The problem (before, the Civil Right event (change) and the improvement (after). Place finished product in portfolio
Evaluating Web Sites: Is is reliable? Individual Activity Use the search engine, Yahoo to search, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. sites Use selected Web page evaluation sheets to evaluate five Web sites. Use at least three different evaluation forms. Place evaluation forms in portfolio
Final Report: “Your Dream for the Future” Group Activity 1. Choose what you believe to be the most important problems faced with teenagers at PHS and describe these problems. 2. Explain why each of these problems are important to teenagers and to the school as a whole 3. Suggest at least one solution for each of these problems. These suggestions must be creative but realistic. 4. Now you are ready to present your solutions to your peers. 5. Place in portfolio
Ongoing Project: The Wall of Fame Group Activity Students will create a bulletin display on the wall outside classroom As students visit various sites, each will print out articles, pictures, etc. that pertain to the Civil Rights Movement These pictures, articles, selections from students will be placed on “The Wall of Fame”
Student Assessment: Possible Points 1. Speech, “I Have a Dream” printed-10 pts 2. Watching speech-10 pts. 3. Civil Rights activity-20 pts. *chart-5pts *questions-5pts *student chart-10pts 4. Web site evaluations-20pts 5. Final project-20pts Completed Portfolio-100pts
“We Shall Overcome” We shall overcome, We shall overcome some day. Oh, deep in my heart (I know that) I do believe: We shall overcome some day. We’ll walk hand in hand. We shall live in peace. We are not afraid We shall all be free. We are not alone.
Live the dream TODAY!!! Kindness Tolerance Equality Togetherness Non-violence Peace Diversity Pride in ONESELF