Integrated Acquisition Environment FPDS Program Management Office Version 1.3 Completion April 1, 2009.


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Presentation transcript:

Integrated Acquisition Environment FPDS Program Management Office Version 1.3 Completion April 1, 2009

Integrated Acquisition Environment (IAE) 2 Multiple or Single flag now available on BPAs Now called Multiple or Single Award IDV Only available on BPAs awarded after software implementation Once Approved you cannot correct the Multiple or Single flag on the BPA – You must contact your system administrator who will contact the help desk If Single Award IDV selected Local Area Set Aside (LASA), that information is filled to any BPA Call If Multiple Award IDV selected LASA, data element is open on the BPA Call BPAs against an FSS require LASA, data element to be completed BPA Multiple\Single Award IDV Flag

Integrated Acquisition Environment (IAE) 3 Re-representation Ensures that the validation rules are not firing after a re-representation. The validation rules that need to be suppressed pertain to: –Contracting Officer’s business size selection –Subcontracting Plan –Competition Information –Vendor business types

Integrated Acquisition Environment (IAE) 4 SAM BUSINESS TYPES Additional SAM business types were displayed in FPDS starting Feb. 23, 2008 Those business types that were not displayed previously in FPDS were showing up in reports as being equal to NO when they should really appear as blank because we never captured that information before FPDS will display the additional SAM business types as null for those awards made prior to 2/23/2008

Integrated Acquisition Environment (IAE) 5 PLACE OF PERFORMANCE The Place of Performance on a modification shall pull from the base award, or from the latest modification if the value is not sent by the Contract Writing System Place of Performance was previously supposed to pull from the base contract and be open to change on all modifications, but this was not working for Contract Writing Systems NOTE: If two modifications are done with the same date signed the system will default the place of performance based on the last modified by date of the modification NOTE: If your base award or last modification has no zip codes entered the system will display no place of performance and the user will need to enter one

Integrated Acquisition Environment (IAE) 6 CHANGE PIID Change PIID is a new reason for modification It is a new user privilege only supplied to the Department System Administrator When selected only the following fields will open: –PIID Agency code –PIID –Modification Number –Date Signed –Contracting Officer Agency ID –Contracting Officer –Effective Date

Integrated Acquisition Environment (IAE) 7 CHANGE PIID (cont’d) Only PIID validation rules will fire when doing a Change PIID modification If Change PIID is selected as the reason for modification then at least the PIID or the PIID agency code must be changed Once Change PIID has been selected and the PIID and/or PIID agency code has been changed and Save Draft has been selected you CANNOT make changes to the key fields. You can delete the draft if mistakes were made Once Approved THE PIID WILL BE CHANGED ON EVERY CONTRACT ACTION REPORT THAT IT APPEARS ON (including where it is a referenced IDV) NO MATTER WHAT THE DATE!!!!

Integrated Acquisition Environment (IAE) 8 CHANGE PIID (cont’d) Corrections to these modifications will not allow you to change the reason for modification or the PIID information. Your System Administrator must assist you Deleting an approved Change PIID modification is not allowed. Your System Administrator must assist you. You cannot search on the OLD PIID. The old PIID will appear as “Other Award ID” or “Other IDV ID” on the screen when doing an advanced search You can only do one Change PIID modification per contract ONLY PROVIDE THIS PRIVILEGE WHEN IT IS TRULY NECESSARY

Integrated Acquisition Environment (IAE) 9 ADMINISTRATIVE TRANSFER Transfer Action is a reason for modification Meant to be used when transferring from one agency or department to another. NOT intended for transfers between offices BEFORE any transfer of contracts both agencies must meet to ensure that the data in FPDS is accurate and complete prior to transfer The transfer privilege is automatically given to agency and contracting office system administrators – SHOULD ONLY BE GIVEN TO THOSE WHO REALLY NEED THE PRIVILEGE

Integrated Acquisition Environment (IAE) 10 ADMINISTRATIVE TRANSFER (cont’d) Transferring agency: –Creates a modification and selects Transfer Action as the Reason for Modification –Changes the contracting office agency id and contracting office id to reflect the agency that will be receiving the contract –Once the CAR has been approved an is automatically sent to the transferring agency’s system administrator –Can no longer act on the record (i.e., no corrections, no new information can be entered) –Retains Small Business goaling credit (if they were the funding agency) for all work up to the point of the transfer

Integrated Acquisition Environment (IAE) 11 ADMINISTRATIVE TRANSFER (cont’d) Receiving agency: –Agency System Administrator will receive an notifying them of the transfer –Cannot correct information previously input by transferring agency –Receiving agency can proceed with whatever the next modification is (could be change piid, could be additional funding, etc.) –The first modification after transfer will open almost every field on the contract action report. USERS SHOULD TAKE CARE NOT TO CHANGE THE HISTORY OF THE DOCUMENT- THE FIELDS ARE ONLY OPENED TO ALLOW UNIQUE AGENCY SPECIFIC FIELDS (DoD & NASA)TO BE COMPLETED –Will receive Small Business goaling credit (if they are the funding agency) for all work after the point of the transfer

Integrated Acquisition Environment (IAE) 12 BOOLEAN MAPPING Version 1.2* –Boolean fields (like Walsh Healy, Service Contract Act, etc.) were radio buttons –Many of the fields were open for selection on modifications Version 1.3 –Changed the radio buttons to drop down menus –Version 1.3 Modifications to version 1.2 documents will map from the “Mother” base contract if it was available previously –Users should ensure that modifications are not contradicting base awards *Note: Version 1.2 will be deprecated Dec 31, 2009.