TURKEY Some of the most detailed subjects of nations pertain to its’ traditions, customs and habits. As the cradle of various cultures for centuries, Turkey exhibits a colorful array of traditions, customs. So… Turkey… A true paradise of sun, seas, mountains and lakes where two continents meet… Turkey… A true paradise of sun, seas, mountains and lakes where two continents meet…
Nearly twenty remarkable civilizations, including the Hattians, Hittites, Phrygians, Urartians, Lycians, Lydians, Ionians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Seljuks, and Ottomans have made important contributions to the history of Turkey.
Ancient sites and ruins scattered throughout the country provide evidence of each people’s unique contribution to the mosaic of culture, traditions, which once were present here.
A different way of life, Harran Eastern Turkey
Nemrut Mountain was discovered in 1881,...
SUMMER AND AUTMN N A T I O N A L H O L I D A Y S 1. August 30th - Victory Day (Final round of invading forces in 1922) 2.September 15th School opening Day 3. October 29th - Republic Day (Declaration of the Turkish Republic ) There are two religious holidays: RAMAZAN BAYRAMI and the second one is KURBAN BAYRAMI. (Holiday means in Turkish: Bayram) There are two religious holidays: RAMAZAN BAYRAMI and the second one is KURBAN BAYRAMI. (Holiday means in Turkish: Bayram)
September 13th school Opening Day(Welcome Week) Traditionally on September,it is the opening of the school year. In this day children in Turkey sing songs about the coming school year, celebrating reading, writing, and arithmetic. It is the first day of the school year, everybody coming school by their families and listening songs, students perform some dances. Traditionally on September,it is the opening of the school year. In this day children in Turkey sing songs about the coming school year, celebrating reading, writing, and arithmetic. It is the first day of the school year, everybody coming school by their families and listening songs, students perform some dances.
It is the first day of the school year, everybody coming school by their families and listening songs, students perform some dances.
October 29th - Republic Day (Declaration of the Turkish Republic ) On October 29, 1923, the Turkish constitution was amended and Turkey became a republic. This formally declared the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire. Republic Day (Cumhuriyet Bayram) is celebrated throughout Turkey every year. Commemorative events usually begin in the afternoon on the previous day. October Turkish constitutionTurkeyrepublicOttoman EmpireOctober Turkish constitutionTurkeyrepublicOttoman Empire
November 24 Teacher’s Day Teacher appreciation is a feeling expressed worldwide, because teachers are that special part of the community helping us all to grow up and be better citizens. November 24 is Teacher's Day in Turkey. It was dedicated to teachers by Kemal Ataturk. Ataturk thought and stated that new generation will be created by teachers
This holiday allows students to express their respect to their teacher. Students begin preparing a week in advance, and many classes usually prepare literature and art to welcome teacher’s day, while other student prepare foods and flowers for the parties held at their schools. Students usually visit their teachers at their homes to offer flowers and small gifts, or organize trips with their teachers and classmates. Former students also pay respect to their former teachers on this day.
RAMADAN (we call RAMAZAN) Holiday (Holiday means in Turkish: Bayram) Ramadan is an important time of year for all the Muslims all over the world. Durring Ramadan, muslims everywhere fast each day between sunrise and sunset. Togther, they go without food or drink. The ramadan last for about four weeks. It is a way for Muslims everywhere to honor and obey God.
Iftar tents, set up through the collaborative efforts of municipalities, charitable institutions and individual donors, are filled every evening during the holy month of Ramadan with thousands of visitors who break their fast with delicious, free meals. They share not only a warm meal but also feelings of community, togetherness, charity and brotherhood.
Traditionally candies as Turkish delights which call lokum or chocolates and simple, inexpensive presents mostly given to the children. The RAMAZAN BAYRAMI celebrations last four days in Turkey. Three-day holiday when families visit close relatives and friends, and many sweets are eaten to celebrate the end of the month of fasting (Ramadan).
You'll see the tradition practiced a lot by children with adults, especially at bayram (holiday) time... when the kids come to pay their respects -- and to collect candy or your spare-change money or both. But it's also a great thing for a son-in-law (or daughter-in-law) to do when greeting parents-in-law after a long separation from them. It's a very endearing act. Mothers-in-law, especially, melt when younger people do this...
In this month our students donate a lot of boxes of foods who are in needs.
Kurban Bayram Kurban Bayram is the most important religious and secular holiday of the year. Kurban means 'sacrifice' in Turkish. Kurban Bayrami comes during the happy season of the pilgrimage (HAC, in Turkish) period, to thank ALLAH (God) for sending a ram for Prophet Hz.Ibrahim (Abraham) to slaughter instead of his son Ismail (Ishmael).
KURBAN BAYRAMI is an important affirmation of one of the key tenets of ISLAM, shared social responsibility. Families who can afford to sacrifice an animal... this can be mostly a ram or goat, will do so and there is a complex code stipulating how the carcass should be distributed amongst friends, family and charitable concerns. Four-day festival when families come together for reunions and sheep are sacrificed. The meat is shared with the poor and neighbors. The meat from the sacrificed animal is divided into three parts; one for the poor, one for the neighbors and relatives and the last is for the family.
People also began to go outside to public gatherings to celebrate the new year with fireworks. In big cities some of the companies build giant TV screens at the city's circles so people can watch what is happening at the other gatherings in the world.. People start sending greeting cards for the coming of the new year from a few weeks before. Some people send greetings by telephone only. Buying small gifts for family and friends is also becoming common.
Other than that the most of the people get together in their homes and have whole family a wonderful dinner, the dinner that specially prepared with many kind of delicious dishes and deserts on the table. They enjoy listen music, dance, play fun games and watch special New Year shows on TV. All TV channels air programs with special artists' performances. Meanwhile, nowadays, young people mostly goes out to night clubs and musical shows.