As you focus during today’s lesson, keep your learning target in mind. I will be able to analyze question-answer relationships to effectively answer SOL-formatted questions that pertain to a selection within a passage. I will be able to understand how these questions require me to investigate supporting details within the text.
How would you answer this question?
These are some of the hardest questions. You’ve got to use the formula below to get the best outcome on these questions! 1. Read the Question. 2. Circle the NEGATIVE Word (ex. EXCEPT, NOT). 3. Read your Answer Choices. 4. Identify what are the best answers for the topic they are asking you about. 5. Place a check mark beside the answers that concern the topic. 6. Whichever answer does not have a check mark beside it will be your answer that is NOT on the topic (Same for EXCEPT). KEEP IN MIND: You are looking for the answer that DOES NOT fit!
Please get your Literature Book. Turn to page 731. Read the story with me. Pay close attention, so you will be prepared to help me answer the questions that follow.
1. What two questions can be answered from paragraph 1? 1. When did the puppy wander onto the property of Mr. Amos? 2. How did the puppy find its way to Mr. Amos’ property? 3. Who lived with Mr. Amos? What should I circle in my question stem to remind me of what I’m looking for within this question? Who can explain the process for answering this question? Who can point out where I should look back in the text?
1. Which questions are NOT answered in the passage? 1. How old is the puppy, according to Doris? 2. How old is Doris currently? 3. How long did the puppy stay with Doris because of the snow? 4. Where did Mr. Lacey take the dog? What should I circle in my question stem to remind me of what I’m looking for within this question? Who can explain the process for answering this question? What do I need to remember that’s important about “except” and “not” questions?
You will work in groups. You will be responsible for reading the short passage given, and answering the questions that have been modeled for you in our lesson. You will also need to be able to show me exactly where in the text you find this information to answer the questions effectively. You will need one student to present your findings, as well as your process to the class.
As you complete your Exit Slip, keep in mind your learning target for today! I will be able to analyze question-answer relationships to effectively answer SOL-formatted questions that pertain to a selection within a passage. I will be able to understand how these questions require me to investigate supporting details within the text.