Martin Luther Born 1483 Grew up in Eisleben, Germany Masters of Arts, 1505 Entered a monastery Ordained a priest, 1507 PhD in theology, 1513 Professor at Wittenberg University
Personality Melancholy and introspective How can we know for sure we’re saved? Tormented by whether God loved him or not Depressed? OCD? Paranoid?
Doctrine of Justification Agreed with the Church about Original Sin Need Christ “the justice of God” St. Paul Not through our efforts, but through God’s unfathomable mercy
Catholic Theology Need Christ Faith in Scripture Luther’s Theology Need Christ Faith in Scripture* Sacraments Works (imitate Christ) *Interpreted correctly by Magisterium
Indulgence Controversy Indulgences being sold Pope Julius II wanted to rebuild St. Peter’s Pope Leo X continues this Archbishop of Mainz starts selling indulgences
95 Theses 1514 Luther writes series of arguments Some objections theological Others pertain to corruption Hammers them onto Church doors
The Holy Roman Empire Series of confederated states Holy Roman Empire often struggling to keep these states unified Power struggles between Holy Roman Emperor, local rulers, and Pope
Spread of Lutheranism Translates his ideas into German Pope Leo X preoccupied In 1518 Leo summons Luther to Rome Luther becomes more radical and attacks divine origins of the Church
Diet of Worms Gains momentum after 1518 In 1521, Emperor Charles V, calls Luther to recant Luther officially alienates from Church Hidden in a castle in Watburg
Beyond Luther Theological and military fighting 1555, Peace of Augsburg Recognize both Lutheranism and Catholicism
Protestant Ideas Spread Reform spreads beyond Luther “Protestant” comes from word Protest Zwingli in Zurich, Switzerland John Calvin Peasants Revolts
England King Henry VIII Wants to divorce his wife, Catherine of Arragon Denied by Pope, so Henry breaks off Persecution against those faithful to the Church Cromwell
Legacy of England Edward VI Mary Tudor Elizabeth
Response from the Catholic Church Catholic Reformation Strong affirmation of Church’s teachings and structure Purification of corruption Climaxed at Council of Trent
Pope Leo X Politically driven Supporter of the arts Gambling problem
Oratory of Divine Love Committed Catholic Leaders Spiritual welfare of the Church Tried to heal division between Lutheranism and Catholicism Resistance from both sides
Reform of the Papacy Clement VII Paul III Called councils Appointed new Cardinals 1537 Report Called Trent
Council of Trent Acknowledge need to fix corruption Recognize Church is not what Jesus intended Reaffirm teachings handed on 7 sacraments Transubstantiation Purgatory and indulgences Magisterium operating at it’s fullness
Society of Jesus (Jesuits) Founded in 1540 St. Ignatius of Loyola Spread Catholic education Militant style Open schools in Europe, Asia, South America, and North America