2/13/15 Starter Describe how fossils pertain to evolution 2/13/ Evidence of Fossils Application/Connection/Exit: Graphic Organizer with questions Evidence of Fossils Practice: Notes-write your own notes
1 Starter 2. Notes 3. Activity February AGENDA B. F Students analyze and evaluate the effects of other evolutionary mechanisms while reading and writing by completing an activity.
Date Lecture/ Activity/ Lab Page 2/12 Ordering Fossils Activity /13 Evidence of Fossils Table of Contents
February 20, 2013
Which features of DNA is most important in determining the phenotype of an organism? A Particular strand of DNA has the base sequence ATT-CCG. What is the base sequence of the complementary strand? Why will knowledge of the human genome enable scientist to better understand proteins involved in human diseases? a.DNA contains the information used to make proteins. b.Nucleic acid molecules have shapes similar to those proteins c.The bases that make up DNA are also present in RNA d.Chromosomes can combine to form proteins Exploring Evidence of Evolution: Starter The sequence of nitrogenous bases TAA-GGC
What is a fossil? The remains or impression of a prehistoric organism preserved in petrified form or as a mold or cast in rock Practice
Fossils provide evidence that life on Earth has changed as well as evidence about how that change has occurred. They also provide evidence of common ancestry among organisms. Fossils and Evolution
Radiometric dating tells us how old fossils are and where they fit in Earth’s timeline. Radiometric dating also gives us the relative age of the Earth. Fossils and Radiometric Dating
The study of how species are scattered across the planet and our understanding of plate tectonics provide us with evidence that evolution and natural selection have been shaping life on Earth for millions of years Evolution and Biogeography
Examples of homologies (such as the claws of Hoatzin chicks and eggs of platypus) give us examples of intermediate organisms (organisms that have features similar to two totally separate groups of organisms). Organisms that have features homologous to the features of other living organisms, as well as to fossils, provide evidence that organisms living today are linked to each other through common ancestors Evolution and Homologies
Instructions Fill in the graphic organizer on your handout by clicking through the next slide. Each topic (textbox) in the graphic organizer is hyperlinked to a webpage that gives you information and explanations about that topic. In slide show view, move the mouse over the topic and click. This will take you to the linked webpage. Analyze and evaluate the information on each webpage. Use that information to answer the questions on your student handout. Although all answers can be found within the information on the linked web pages, other web resources may be used if needed.
Chronology in Fossil Record Homologies Evidence of Common Ancestry Fossils Transitional Forms Pace of Evolution GradualPunctuated AnatomicalMolecular Genetic Cellular Endo- symbiosis Develop- mental Embryo- logical Vestigial Structures Biogeography Distribution of Living Things Plate Tec- tonics
2/13/15 Starter Describe how fossils pertain to evolution 2/13/ Evidence of Fossils Application/Connection/Exit: Graphic Organizer with questions Evidence of Fossils Practice: Notes-write your own notes
Think back to one of the many topics we’ve discussed in class so far this year. (Evolution, Cells, DNA, Ecology…) Write about the one you remember the most and a profession in which you would use this knowledge. Must be one page. Exit: Writing Prompt 2